Chapter 5: Escape Attempts

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Elena's POV
When I opened my eyes, everything was a blur. The world around me seemed like it was tilting on its side. I decided to sit up. My head exploded in pain as I did, and I nearly fell back onto the hard floor. Where was I?
"Don't bang your precious little head."
Someone said. It was a suspiciously familiar voice, almost like it was my own.
"Katherine?" I croaked. My voice was hoarse, and I swallowed painfully, as my throat had begun to hurt.
"At your service." Katherine responded sarcastically.
The world was becoming clearer now, and I could see her coming towards me.
"What the hell is going on?" I said, scowling at Katherine. She wore that same smirk as she always did.
"Some god damn witches decided that us doppelgängers were dangerous and locked us in a tomb." she said, studying her nails.
"How can you be so calm about this?" I cried. I tried to stand, and failed, falling back down to ground. I didn't know what was going on. It felt like my body was dying or something.
"Why do I feel so sick?" I moaned.
It might have just been a hallucination,, but I swore I saw a flash of concern across Katherine's face as she studied me.
"A little bit too much blood..." she murmured.
I panicked.
"Oh. I just took a little blood while you were napping." she said, laughing slightly.
"Maybe a little too much. I guess you're experiencing blood loss."
"Well, help me!"
"The blood will come back." she said, rolling her eyes.
"But anything for precious Elena."
She bit into her wrist and put her wrist to my lips, waiting expectantly. I hesitated.
"Just do it. Before it heals." Katherine said.
I took her wrist and began drinking out of it. It seemed really gross at first, but as I continued drinking, it began tasting good, and I gripped her wrist tighter.
"Okay. You're healed." Katherine said, pulling her wrist away. The wound closed almost instantly.
"Let's discuss." Katherine said, getting up off the floor and walking around the room.
"How the hell are we getting out of here?"

Katherine's POV
Elena didn't even put any effort in. She just watched me with those alert little doe eyes as I began brainstorming. What an idiot.
Halfway through the the brainstorming process, I thought out loud.
"What the hell do Damon and Stefan see in you?"
She looked up, surprised.
"What?" she said softly.
"Well, you have to get it." I exclaimed.
"I gave them excitement, passion. You're just a burden to them."
"You fed on them! You used them!" Elena said, getting up.
"You'd even make a boring vampire." I continued.
"You couldn't kill a bunny."
"I would kill you if I had the chance!" Elena yelled. Her eyes were full of pure hatred.
I raised my eyebrows.
"You do have that Petrova fire." I remarked.
"And you do have stunning looks."
I used my vampire speed to pin her against the wall.
"I know we would both kill each other, if we could. But we can't." I released her, and she moved to the other side of the room, anger replaced by fear.
"So let's focus on getting out of here."
She nodded.

Hopefully that was satisfying enough for you guys! I have two other story ideas, so I might start one of those and work on this at the same time, or I might just finish this story (which is nowhere near done). Love you guys!

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