Chapter 7: Feelings

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Thanks for over a hundred reads! You guys make me so happy! I'm so glad I started writing this! Anyway, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Turns out the day I was sick and wanted to write, I was really sick and just slept the day away and watched old TVD episodes.😂
Enjoy the new chapter!

Katherine's POV
My first reaction was obviously to push her away. She kissed me! What on earth was she doing?
"Elena..." I started.
"I know... I know..." she said, backing away. She buried her face in her hands and began crying.
"Oh god, don't start." I said, rolling my eyes.
She fell to the ground, taking her hands off of her face.
Biting her lip, she wiped the tears off her face.
I sighed. I honestly felt bad for the girl. After all, I did have a tendency to be irresistible.
I sat down next to her, and took her hand, surprising both of us.
She didn't move her hand away though, and I had no intention of moving mine away.
"What happened?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"I'm really not sure. I've just had all these weird feelings ever since the witches trapped us in this damn tomb-"
"Whoa!" I cut her off.
"The pristine Elena Gilbert? Cursing?"
She rolled her eyes.
"You don't think I don't curse? We're more similar than you think, Katherine."
"What? Because you like both the Salvatores as well?" I said, laughing.
She blushed.
"I knew you liked Damon." I said.
"He's hot, isn't he?" I said.
"Dreamy eyes and all."
She mumbled something.
"I didn't catch that." I said, looking at her.
"I said that you're hotter than both of them." Elena replied. She bit her lip again.
God. At this pace, she was going to bite her freaking lip off.
"I think you just need food." I said, rubbing my temples.
"You're being weird again. Let's find a way to get you food."
She shook her head, as if protesting to the idea that she was hungry, but I pretended not to notice.
"Oh." I said, turning to her.
"You do know that we are exact copies of each other right?"
She nodded.
"So calling me hot, is basically calling yourself hot. Little conceited, don't you think?"

Elena's POV
Her mean side was back again. I had completely weirded her out with the hot comment.
I sighed, and leaned against the tomb wall. I knew that I wasn't going crazy. I knew I wasn't just hungry. I had felt fireworks in the kiss, before she pulled away, of course, and I think she felt it too.
She turned back to me sharply.
"I'm pretty sure there's no way that we can get you food until we can get out. And contacting Stefan or Damon could take a while. You'll have to attempt to survive on my blood until then."
She walked over and offered her wrist to me. I took it and drank, the sweet blood trickling down my throat. I could honestly live on this stuff forever.
She pulled away quickly.
"I'm going to start attempting to contact Stefan first. Try not to kiss anything while I'm occupied?"
I pursed my lips, put off by the rude comment.
"And how are you going to contact them exactly?"
"I'm going to get inside their minds." she said, grinning.
"Let's hope it works." I said.
She nodded, and got to work.

Sorry that was a little short! I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow though!

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