Chapter 10

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Liam was still in the hospital. Still in coma, and Niall hasn't left his side, Liam's been in coma for 6 months. Their still 11.

Niall hasn't done anything. He hasn't moved from the chair in Liam's hospital room.

"Li, I know I'm not your favorite person in the world right now, and I'm sorry, but I wasn't eating her out! She had just gotten raped, Li. By her stepdad, and I was fixing it, I was making it so she stopped bleeding! I promise! I love you. And only you. I would never do anything like that to you. I promise. I made a promise to you when we were four, and I intend to keep it! I love you." Niall said, while he cried. And held Liam's unmoving and unresponding hand.

"Ya know, I still have that card you gave me, when you asked me to be your Valentine. I thought it was so cute, but now I find it cheesy, whenever I look at pictures of us, stuff we bought each other, and videos of us, I always laugh and say 'I remember this day.' Li, your my whole world and I cant live without you. You remember the stuff Giraffe that has one eye missing? I remember that day like it was yestarday.'


"Li, come on! Lets go to the gift shop! Your parents gave us 60 dollars come on!" Niall said as he grabbed Liam's hand and dragged him into the gift shop.

They were looking for things to get each other.

Liam was looking at the stuffed animals when he found one he wanted to get Niall. After they had payed, they went to their favorite place at the zoo, the Giraffes.

Liam's parents are good friends with the owners of the zoo, so he can get up close and inside the cage. Plus, Giraffes are not harmful.

When the got there, the zookeeper took them in the back and went to the baby Giraffe, its name was James. It was cute, it always cuddled up to them on their blanket.

After they were settled, the zookeeper brought James out, and he went right to Niall and Liam an plopped on their laps. He weighted nothing, he liked to sleep across their laps.

"Hey Niall." Liam said while getting his bag with the stuff he bought Niall.

"Yea, Li?" Niall answered.

"I bought you something or somethings and I want to give them to you." Liam got the Giraffe out of the bag, and made sure the necklace that said 'Niall' on it was on its neck.

Liam handed Niall his gift and Niall loved it.

"How come it has one eye?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, Niall. It was like that when I bought it. But it reminded me of you. Because it only has one eye, and that makes it unique. Just like you." Liam said, while staring into Niall's eyes.

"Thanks, Li. I really love it." Niall said back.

Niall leaned in and pecked Liam's cheek. Which made Liam blush.

***Flashbacks over***

"That is my favorite memory of us. I loved that day. I love you, Liam. And I just want you to wake up, I need you." Niall said, while he leaned forward and connected his lips with Liam's knowing he wouldn't respond, but he needed to feel those lips.

While Niall kissed Liam's lips, he felt Liam's lips moving to. And he pulled back and looked at Liam.

Sure enough, Liam had his eyes open and was smiling like an idiot.

"How long have you been awake?" Niall asked.

"I woke up when you started your speech, but I wanted to hear it. Oh and its ok Niall. I realize now that you didn't cheat. I love you." Liam said.

"I love you too, ya big idiot." And while that Niall connected his and Liam's lips and everything seemed to disappear.

Soon, they were passionately making out. Niall climbed up on the bed and straddled him.

A little while after, Niall was grinding on Liam. Liam had his hands on Niall's butt. While Niall had his cupping Liam's face.

Soon Niall could feel Liam's erection.

"Your hard already?" Niall asked while cocking his eyebrow.

"Its been almost seven months since I've had sex with you, I need this Ni." Liam said.

About 30 minutes later, Niall and Liam were cuddling under the blanket naked, and panting. They just gave blow jobs. They haven't made love like that yet.

But, I'll be sure to tell you all about it.

All I need is you. (Niam Horayne) Mpreg *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now