Chapter 6

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So, it's been sometime since that day in the hospital. Its been 3 months 4 days and 21 hours, actually.

Liam and Niall have spent a lot of time together since.

Niall learned that being gay isn't wrong an he should be proud of it.  

They went back to school holding hands, and hugging, and playing footsie under tables and desks.

They are still friends with Nick, Harry, Zayn and Louis.

Although, Louis had said that being gay isn't bad. Niall's still think that. A lot of the time, actually.

Their 10 years old. And getting hate. If they turn a corner someone has some snotty comment.

Niall's cried so many times. He's yelled at Liam and has made him cry.

They don't know how their going to do this but.

Their family's knew they were gay and, frankly, they didn't give a shit. I mean, Liam's dads are gay, obviously. Niall's family knew he was gay from the start.

They were getting so much hate, that Niall's family talked to Liam's dads and they decided they'd be home schooled.

Niall was going to work at Liam's because they knew they's be sad if they couldn't be together.

Now, Niall had to stay with Liam for a long time, why you ask? Because, Liam's parents owe some money to some people that they haven't paid yet. So, Liam's parents are going to stay that the peoples house for a while to pay it off. The amount of money they had to pay them back was 10,000 dollars. So, Liam was going to spend a lot of time at Niall's.

Niall's dads let Liam sleep in Niall's room with him, and in the same bed. They didn't care. They could have sex and they wouldn't care. They loved Liam so much that they wanted him happy and if being with Niall in every way was what made him happy then, so be it.

They were lying in Liam's bed one night, cuddling, talking. And staring into each others eyes. It was romantic and cute. No, it was romantic and adorable. Liam's parents had gone at to let them be alone because Liam wanted to do something with Niall so.

They said they'd be back at about 1 am.

They were talking when Liam decided to ask Niall something. Very in appropriate.

"Ni, have you ever fingered yourself?" Liam asked out of the blue.

"No? Whats fingering?" Niall asked, innocently.

"Its where you put your fingering up your arse. Its supposed to feel good."

"Does it?"

"I don't know. I've never tried."

"If you want.. Um.. You could.. Er.. Try on me?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea. Can I finger you while you finger me?.."

"Sure Ni!"

"Ok. What do I do first?"

"First take your clothes off."

"Even my boxers?"

"Even your boxers." Liam said while getting up and walking to his dads room and getting lube from there bedside table. He's dads said it was there if he ever needed it, and well, he flippen needed it.

He walked back to his room, and froze.

Niall was lying above the covers, naked.

It turn Liam on even more.

He started to strip his clothes. And then he was naked.

Liam was quite big for his age, he was about 4 inches. His dick, I meant.

Niall was small but, he's Niall so.

Liam walked over to the bed and climbed up and next to Niall.

"Li? Whats that?" Niall asked, while pointing to the bottle of lube in Liam's hand.

"Its lube, Ni. It will help our fingers go in each other better." Liam said. While turning on his side. Niall was on his side and they were looking at each other. Legs tangled.

"Ni, give me 3 fingers, ring finger, middle finger, and pointer finger. On your right hand." Liam said.

And thats what Niall did. Liam put lube on them and then on his.

"Ok, Ni. Put your hand on my butt, and find my arsehole. Ok? Like this." Liam said while putting his fingers by Niall's puckered hole. Niall did the same but on Liam.

"Ok, so now you just push in one finger at a time. Okay?" Liam said. Niall nodded.

"Ready? Go ahead and push in." They both pushed a finger in each other at the same time.

And they both gasped at the same time.

"Ugh." Liam said.

"Li, it hurts." Niall said.

"You want me to stop?" Liam said while moving his finger. He must have hit Niall's special spot because instead of Niall answering him, he screamed.

"Hit that spot again, Li."

They continued like that until they climaxed. They didn't cum, because well, kids their age don't cum. They will when their older.

They both pulled their fingers out, wiped their fingers on the blanket and climbed under the blanket it.

"Thanks, Li. That felt good. Can we do it again sometime?" Niall asked while cuddling up to Liam and closing his eyes.

"Sure. We can do different stuff if you want."

"Please? But next time. I'm tired now."

"Go to sleep, Ni. I'll be here when you wake up."

Soon they both were asleep. And when they woke up they were still cuddling.

That night when Liam's dads came home, they went to go check on Liam and Niall. They opened the door and saw them cuddling. And then spotted the lube on the night stand.

One of Liam's dads went over to get it.

"Daddy? What are you doing?"

"We're getting the lube, LoveBug. How far did you go?"

"We were fingering each other."

"Ah, thats how me and your dad started. Ha. Go to sleep LoveBug. Your probably tired." His dad leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"Night Daddy."

"Night LoveBug."

His dad grabbed the lube and went back to his husband.

"Thats really adorable." His husband said.

"Yea, it is. Reminds me of us when we were little."

"Nah, we were worse." And with that, he winked at his husband and went back to their bedroom.

Now, Liam's other dad stood there, dumbfounded. And had a 'problem'

"Ugh" He said. While running his hand through his hair.

He turn around and looked at Niall and Liam. They were still asleep and still cuddling. Mr. Horan smiled and shut the door, and went back to his husband, and solve is 'problem'


We're back!!!!! -Mini Liam & Mini Niall xx

So me and my sister got in a fight, needless to say we won't be talking anytime soon! Me and Niall wrote this together! -Mini Liam xx

Hi guys! Hoped you liked it! - Mini Niall xx

So! Niall toke my words! Gugh! Ha! What he said! Now we're gonna go, and.. Do things.. Bye guys! - Mini Liam xx

Bye guys! Love ya mwah! Kiss kiss! - Mini Niall xx

- Mini Niall and Mini Liam xx

All I need is you. (Niam Horayne) Mpreg *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now