Chapter Three (Daesung)

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*Daesung's P.O.V*
I was walking around a convenience store looking for something to make for dinner tonight. I walked up and down the aisles pulling my collar up over the burn on the side of my neck. I kept my head low as I entered another aisle. I grabbed a small box of mac n cheese and another box of spaghetti. I went to the cashier and stood in line. I young woman stood in front of me holding a small dog close to her chest. She looked nervous as she stood there. The dog was wiggling out of her arms, but she held on tightly. When it was her turn she placed a small bag of dog food on the counter. The clerk rung it up and she pulled out her wallet to pay. She payed the man, got her change and was about to leave when a guy stopped her. She looked at him with a frightened expression. "Hey babe. Where you off to in a hurry?" The girl didn't respond she tried getting past the man, but ended up failing. I sat down my items and walked over to them. "Hey man, leaver her alone." She turned to me and looked into my eyes. I could feel myself swimming in her eyes. "Who the hell are you," asked the man. I glared at him and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "Her boyfriend." I felt her tighten in my arms, but I didn't move an inch. "Yeah right. This fine ass would never date something as ugly as you. I stiffened and I felt my hand curl up into a fist. I almost hit him, but the clerk called over, "Hey! I don't want any trouble in here." I nodded at the man and half walked, half dragged the girl out of the store. She held onto her dog as we made our way down the street. "Thank you." I looked down at her and gave her a small smile. "No problem." We ended up in front of her apartment complex. "I'm sorry you didn't get your groceries." I shrugged, "It's no problem. I can just stop somewhere and get something to eat." She looked at me with guilt filling her face. "Well, would you like to eat with me. I just have leftovers if that's okay with you." I smiled, "That sounds great!" She smiled and lead me into the building. It was a familiar space that I was use too. I followed her into the elevator and got out on her floor. I followed her into her apartment and looked around. It was a small space. There was barely any furniture in the room. She placed the dog on the ground and it roamed around the space. She walked into the kitchen and started taking out to-go containers. She handed me a plate and I started fixing it and placed it into the microwave. It dinged and I sat down at this all table in the corner of the room. Her dog came up to me and started sniffing around my chair. He let out a loud bark and it continued barking. The girl came over and tried shushing her dog. There was a knock on the door and she went to answer it with the dog on her heels. She answered the door and there was allow murmur of voices. She closed the door and came back with a sad expression. "What's wrong?" She looked up at me realizing I was there, "Nothing." I finished my plate and helped her clean up a bit. "Thank you for dinner. I really appreciate it." She smiled and led me out to the front door, "No problem." I held out my hand. She took it into her small one and gave it a firm shake before letting go. "My names Daesung." She smiled, "Well it's nice to meet you Daesung. I hope I get to see you again." I nodded and walked out. I was halfway to the lobby until I realized that I never asked for her name. I cursed under my breathe. It had gotten dark quickly. I walked down the street with my hands in my pocket. I turned down a side alley and walked quickly. The man from earlier stepped out of nowhere and stood in front of me. "You should never have done that asshole." Two more guys stepped up behind me. "Now we have to teach you a lesson." He tried punching me but I dodged out of the way and bolted off down the alley. I ran as fast as I could down the street. I could hear them coming after me. I took a sharp turn and continued pumping my legs. My chest was burning and I started losing feeling in my legs. I took another sharp turn and ended up in some kind of junkyard. I ran through the piles of junk and tripped over something hard. I fell roughly on the ground. I could feel the men pounding into me. Bruises started forming on my skin and my lip split open from the impact from one of the mans fists. I cried out in pain as another kicked me in the ribs. I felt the weight of someone's body lift off of me. I swung out and connected with another mans face. He spit out a glob of blood in my face. I looked over and saw the familiar tattoos of Taeyang and I relaxed. The men made one last attempt before they took off running in the opposite direction of us. Taeyang held out his hand and I took it graciously. "You need to toughen up man." I smirked and followed him into his RV. I passed out immediately as soon as my head had hit his couch.
(A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!)

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