Chapter Seven (Taeyang)

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*Taeyang's P.O.V*
After saying good bye and telling him we will see him tomorrow, we left Daesung's room and headed toward the cars. GD and Seungri walked across the street to the garage while Alex and I followed TOP to his car. " your names really TOP and GD?" He chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not. That would be silly." He unlocked the car and we all piled in. "So what are your guys real names?" She was full of questions even though she refused to look at any of us. "Well, I'm Dong Youngbae and he is Choi Seunghyun." TOP looked at her through the rear view mirror, "We just prefer to be called by our stage names." She nodded her head in understanding. "So what about the others? What are their real names?" TOP chuckled as I answered her, "Well GD is Kwon Jiyong, Seungri is Lee Seunghyun, and Daesung's is the same, Kang Daesung." She nodded her head and went silent. The car ride was short as we made it to the YG building. TOP parked and we headed toward the entrance to be greeted by GD and Seungri. We walked in and showed our passes to the guards. We walked through telling them that Alex was our guest and that she wouldn't cause any trouble. "Have you ever been inside a recording room before," asked GD. Alex shook her head and continued walking slowly with her head down. She was a real quiet one. We showed her the practice room, the gym, and lastly the recording room. She walked around observing but not saying anything. Everyone plopped themselves down on the chairs and couches, but Alex remained standing. "Do you want to sit down," I asked getting up for her to take my seat. She shook her head, "No I'm fine standing. Thank you though." I nodded my head slowly and sat back down. "So what do you like to do Alex," asked Seungri. She shrugged and looked everywhere but at us. We sat there in silence for a good five minutes. "So this is awkward," murmured GD. "Um, where's the bathroom?" I stood up before anyone else could speak, "Here I can show you." She nodded her head and followed me out of the room. We walked down the hall side by side in utter silence. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what exactly I should say. Why couldn't I act normal around girls. We stopped outside of the bathroom and she thanked me before walking in. I mentally kicked myself for not saying anything. I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked back to the recording room slowly. The guys were in some sort of argument. I sat down on the couch and listened as they continued arguing on. "Well I'm going to ask," said Seungri. GD scoffed, "In your dreams. She would never go out with a playboy like you." I finally understood why they were arguing. "Keep it up and none of you will get her," said TOP. I shook my head. Sometimes my band members could be childish. "Well then my the lucky man win," stated Seungri. The door opened and Alex walked in slowly. She kept her eyes locked onto the floor. "Hey Alex, do you want to see how music gets truly made," asked GD. She shrugged, "Sure." He waved her over to the soundboard and scouted Seungri out of his chair so she could sit down by him. "It's pretty exciting." Seungri snickered, "Yeah for you." GD shot him a menacing glare and went back to showing Alex how to operate the system. I watched her closely and noticed that she would occasionally play with her hair like a small child. I found it to be kinda cute. Her phone rang and she excused herself and left the room. GD turned around toward Seungri and mouthed, "Piece of cake." Seungri punched GD's arm and went and sat next to TOP who had his eyes closed. I shook my head and got up and left the room to grab some water. I wasn't paying attention until I bumped into someone and made that person fall. I looked down in surprise to find Alex on the ground staring up at me with a shocked expression. "I'm so sorry," I muttered. I held out my hand and she took it graciously. I pulled her up and released her when I knew she had her balance. "You're fine." I scratched the back of my head. It was a nervous habit of mine and I hated it. "Um, this is kinda a weird question, but um is there somewhere were I can just sit." I nodded my head,"Yeah. I'll show you." She gave me a small smile, "Thanks."
(A/N: sorry if this chapter was bad. I didn't mean for it to be. I will update soon, more than likely tomorrow.) 

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