Chapter Five (Seungri)

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*Seungri's P.O.V*
I sat there in the cafe watching as TOP left and went down the street. I smirked at the fact that he got his hands dirty for once instead of sitting there ignoring the situation. I took out my phone and contemplated calling her once again. I had called her ten times before and each time it went straight to voicemail. I let out a sighed as I dialed the familiar number and placed the phone to my ear. It rang once before going straight to voicemail. I hung up before the beep sound came. I laid my phone on the table and leaned back in the hard chair and stared out the window. I turned once I heard a small whisper right next to me. I looked up to find the girl standing there still shaking after the altercation. I knew TOP could scare people, but I never thought he could almost scare someone this much to where they were still afraid after he left. I gave her a warm smile. "Can I get you something sir?" I looked past her at the large menu. "Oh um, let me just have a small espresso." She nodded her head and went to go and make my drink. She looked fail, like at any point she would fall and shatter into millions of small pieces. I watched as as she quickly made my drink and brought it back to the table with shaky hands. She sat the cup down and went to turn, but I grabbed her arm before she could take a step. "Hey. I was wondering if maybe I could walk you home, since you seem a bit frazzled." She looked at me in confusion, "Um...okay, I guess." I gave her a warm smile and released her arm. She turned and walked back behind the counter to help someone out. I drank my espresso slowly and waited until she came up to me wearing normal clothing. I smiled and stood up and went to pay for my drink. I held out my arm and she hesitantly took it. I walked with her out the door and down the street allowing her to lead the way to her destination. She stopped outside of a vet clinic. "I have to get my dog real quick." I nodded my head and watched her as she walked into the office. Ten minutes later she came walking out holding a small puppy in her arms. "She started walking away thinking that I had left. I ran up to her and grabbed her arm lightly, "Trying to get away from me that quickly, eh." She jumped slightly but relaxed when she saw that it was me. She smiled and shook her head. "Of course not." We continued walking down the street the small dog squirming in her arms. All of a sudden the dog got loose and jumped out of her arms and took off running. She took off at a high speed after the dog and I was right behind her. Soon I lost track if her in the crowd and I slowed down my pace. I cursed under my breath as I weaved my way through the dense crowd. I stopped by a seller and looked around. I completely lost sight of her. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I took it out and read the message. It seemed to be a drunken message from GD. "Yo baby, why don't you come over here and make someone happy? Believe me it will be totally worth your time." I shook my head and started heading to GD's apartment to go and take care of him. He ended up doing stupid things when he gets like this. I walked quickly and saw a glimpse of a familiar brown hair and black hair walking into the same building. I got to GD's floor to find him leaned up against the couch with his eyes closed. "Hey man." His eyes snapped open and looked at me in annoyance. "What are you doing here?" I rose an eyebrow, "You sent me a text." He looked at me in confusion. I showed him the message in my phone and he let out a groan. "Dammit. That wasn't supposed to go to you." I chuckled, "Of course not." Both of our phones vibrated at the same time. He picked it up and listened intently. His face seemed to go pale white, "What?" I looked at him in concern as he stood up and grabbed his keys and jacket. "Dae is in the hospital." I could feel the color drain from my face. We both raced outside and jumped into his car and we drove at top speed toward the hospital.
(A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.)

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