Chapter 13

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--------- Amanda's P.O.V ----------

As soon as the last bell and I was outta that place. I found Ciel and followed him to the bus he and Emma took (we weren't on the same bus anymore). I pushed a freshman from her seat, only apologizing after, as I bordaed the bus. I could barely sit still in the seat. I drummed my fingers on the seat as the bus trundled down the road. The moment the bus stopped at the end of her driveway, I dashed from my seat and practically leaped from the bus. Ciel got off in a more....calm manner than I did.

I didn't even bother knocking I just flung open the door calling her name. When I opened the door I was greeted by a surprised looking Sebastian who had been dusting a picture frame.

"Oh hello Amanda. I assume your here to talk to Emma."

I nodded out of breath. "Which room is hers?"

Sebastian set his feather duster down and looked up the stairs with a worried expression. Immediately I felt uneasy.

"She's.....OK right?"

He sighed. "That remains to be seen. She was doing well this morning but when we returned from the city hall she broke down." He picked up his feather duster again. "Her room is the one at the end of the hall to the left, but she's locked herself in and won't open the door."

I nodded. "Thanks." I was in to much of a rush to wonder why they had gone to city hall, it didnt matter. I walked past Sebastian and got to the bottom of the stairs then stopped as an idea popped into my head. Suddenly I spun on my heels and pushed past Ciel who was trying to enter the house.

"Amanda!" Ciel yelled indignantly.

"Sorry!" I yelled and ran to the big oak tree in front of Emma's balcony.

She won't let even me when she's like this. I cracked my knuckles. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I wasn't athletic in the slightest but I managed to get onto the balcony with only minor scratches.

I opened the door quietly and what I saw almost brought me to tears.

Her room was trashed, there were clothes everywhere and there was a broken picture frame. Emma herself was curled up on her twisted comforter, her face buried in pillows. Her raven colored hair splayed around her like some sort of ivy. She had something clutched to her chest.

"Emma." I practically whispered her name but her head shot up from the pillows. She didn't move her hands, instead kept them wrapped protectivly around what I could now see was a picture.

Her face was red and streaked with dried tears. Her eyes were red and swollen. She was a mess.

"Go away." she mumbled before letting her head fall back onto the pillows.

"No." I replied and went and sat down next to her. She kicked out weakly in an effort to get me off the bed. "Besides if you really wanted me out you would have locked the balcony doors."

She grunted and I sighed. "Why won't you talk to anyone?"

She didn't awnser and I didn't expect her to so I laid my head on her back, her even breathing reassuring.

"Emma I know it's hard and though Red wasn't always the best mom, when she wasn't drunk she was the worlds best aunt. She really loved you, would she really want you to be like this? You have to move on." I felt her stiffen and I sensed she was about to yell so I hurried to end my statement. "I'm not saying right now! Knowing Red she would like a bit of the spotlight." I chuckled sarcasticly. "But you can't stay like this forever."

She grunted in a sort of yea ok way.

"Now you should come downstairs, the guys are worried."

"Like crap if I care." She muttered.

"You don't mean that. You know you don't. Come downstairs when your ready but if ready is anytime after dinner has started I'm coming to get you."

With that I stood and left the room, silently padding down the stairs. I heard Ciel's voice, he was talking to Sebastian. I heard a word that stopped me in my tracks.

".....go home." he was saying.

"I am sorry Young Master, I haven't been able to find a way to return us home." Sebastains silk voice didn't sound sorry in the slightest.

"Tsk." Ciel was obviously annoyed.

"But would it be appropriate for us to leave now, even if I had?" Sebastian asked. He had obviously thought this conversation through.


"Well, Miss Franks is not excatly self-sustaining at the moment." The demon reasoned. "Leaving her now would be uncharacteristic of someone of your status ."

"Hmmm." Ciel sighed. "We've no choice then. We shall take her with us when the time comes" he didn't sound as bothered as the sentence was implying.

"Your face gives everything away Young Master." Sebastian sighed. "We cannot force her to come ."

"If Emma has any common sense she will return with us." His tone was masked this time.

What about me? If she goes who do I have left?

I waited a moment before strolling down the rest if the stairs. I forced a smile to my face. "Well gentlemen I have reason to believe Miss Franks will be joining us for dinner!"

"How'd you get in?" Ciel asked.

I pointed outside. "Window."

He nodded. "Smart."

I smiled. "I know! Anyway, Emma likes junk food. We're gonna order pizza and ice cream and drink soda and watch movies and turn the AC waaaay down so it's cold and we need like 3 blankets!" I clapped my hands we have about 4 hours so y'all do whatever you want. In the meantime I'm gonna go into town and get stuff. Mind if I jack a bike?"

"In the barn." Ciel said. "I'll be doing-" he groaned "-some homework."

"Thanks!" I rushed out of the house. The barn was big and red and a bit away from the house. I looked around and saw Emma's bike leaning against a stall door. Disregarding the old helment filled with straw that lay next to it I grabbed the bike and took off.

Emma I'm gonna see you smile today no matter what I gotta do. I hate seeing you sad.

Aaaaaalrightmy kittens chapter 13 done. Hope you enjoyed. Check out my other books if you wanna. They are all other animes. Also, go ahead and get your work done because you either are reading to avoid doing school work/house work or reading once your done and good for you if you are the latter. If your not do it now. OK, remember,





Love- Cat

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