Chapter 14

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Emma's P.O.V

I lay in my bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. I felt like that ceiling. Bland, blank, emotionless.

Can ceilings even feel emotions? Probably not. Can I be a ceiling? I don't have to do anything but hang there until I like get burned down or just deteriorate over time. No heart breaks for me. Cuz I'm a ceiling.

Just then my phone buzzed and I flopped onto my side to grab it from the nightstand. It was from Amanda yelling at me to come downstairs soon or else she would drag me down there.

"Tch. Whatever." I turned onto my stomach and pulled a pillow over my head.

Let her threaten all she wants. Ceilings don't move.

Not long after there was a soft knock on my door. I grunted something close to "go away" but still the door opened.

I groaned and flipped myself over. Then with some difficulty sat up. "I said go-" I paused when my eyes met with a single turquoise one. I fell back onto the bed. "What do you want Ciel." I sighed. It was more of a defensive statement then a question.

"To get you to come downstairs."

"Tch. Not happening."

"There's pizza which I tried for the first time and junk food I've never even heard of. Amanda turned the AC down really low too. She bought like 3 blankets."

I turned to face him. My eyes were cold.

He looks cute in those pajamas. I thought.

Shut up Emma. I told myself.

No Emma. I replied.

"- so anyway-" Ciel was saying. "-You should join us."


He sighed. "Amanda was right. Fine. I'll do it."  He seemed to be talking to himself.

I had just turned back around when I felt two arms slip under me and suddenly I wasn't on my bed anymore. I flailed around in confusion until I accidentally hit something with my hand.

"Ouch!" Ciel sniffed indignantly.

"Hmph. That's what you get. Now put me down!" I yelled.

"No." He sighed. "Amanda would be angry if I didn't come back down with you."

At that point I sighed and gave up fighting, accepting my fate of socalization. "Just don't drop me."

Ciel grunted in response.

"Is this what Sebastian feels when he picks me up?" Ciel asked himself.

I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult...

He made it to the living room and successfully set  me on the couch. I stared at the floor, avoiding everyone's gaze. Finally I mumbled "What movie are we watching?"

"Your favorite! The Princess Bride!" Amanda chirped. Then she threw an ice cream tub at me. It was shortly followed by a spoon.

I nodded in thanks and took my first bite when the first picture showed up on screen.

"Amanda, is this one of those chick flicks you were tell me about?" Ciel asked.

She nodded happily. "And don't you dare think of leaving, this is for Emma. Not you. Don't be selfish."

Ciel pouted and sunk into several blankets with a groan.

He's grown. I thought to myself and smiled slightly. I glanced a look at Sebastian and by his interested, but suprised gaze I knew he was thinking the same thing.

By the end of the movie Amanda was asleep, despite her many efforts to stay awake. I was only halfway done with my ice cream, but Sebastian took it from me insisting I didn't need any more. He'd done the same to Ciel with the M&M's. Ciel had fallen asleep too. His eyepatch was practically fallingn off his face. When Sebastian returned from thhe kitchen he took Ciel to his room. I glanced at the clock.

11:47. Geez it's late.

I snuggled deeper into the mass of blankets surrounding me. Then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and ,after a few seconds, pushed out of them. I took a couple seconds to steady my legs then slowly went up the stairs and down the hallway to the right. I stopped at the normal white door at the very end of the hall. Nothing about it was out of the ordinary, but my hands still shook as I opened the door.

The room was red. Very, very red. We had only lived in this house maybe a week, but she'd made the room hers. The wallpaper was a dark, brooding red. The carpet was a red so dark it was practically black. The thick, dark-ish red window curtins were pulled back, so a soft light illuminated the room. I didn't pay attention to the nightstand or walkn in closet, only the tall bed that sat against the far wall. It's mahogany bedposts were perhaps the only non red thing in the room, besides the other subtle brown accents through the room. I pushed aside the pale red bed curtins and curled on the crimsion red satin bedsheets. I sucked in a breath and smelled purfume, laundry detergent, and roses.

Hello Aunt Maxine. I really miss you. Thought you should know. I don't think I told you, but thank you for at least trying to quit your drinking habit. I did notice. I thought I should tell you, I'm in good hands. I really hope you don't call Uncle Travis. I mean one is a demon, but he's used to handling kids! Ones my age. Oh, one thing before I go- can I have one of your cars?

Suddenly I heard something fall in her closet.

I guess that's a no. Ok, well um...see you later I guess. Bye Aunt Red.

Then I slid off the bed. I decided to check to see what had fallen in the closet before I left. I opened the door slowly and turned on the light. When I saw nothing, I stepped in further. I check the floor, but nothing seemed out of order so I turned to go back. Suddenly, the lights turned off. I gasped and my eyes flashed to where the light switch would be. Then I heard breathing behind me. My heart beat loudly in my chest.

"W-Who's there?"

A purring voice echoed from the closet. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way little girl."

The voice was awfully farmiliar.

"Now tell me, where is my Bassy!"

uh-oh. This can't be good.

Heyo! It meh. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Remeber





Love yall!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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