Chapter 9

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---------- Emma's P.O.V -----------
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring Skillet through the house. I groaned and rolled over, squinting at my clock. 7:30. I sighed, time to get out of bed. I truned over to my closet pulling on jeans, a dark green tank top, and a white ,blue and green plaid shirt over it, but not covering it. I also put on my green converse. Then I went downstairs and grabbed a pop tart.

Deciding to eat my pop tart on a porch chair, I pushed open the screen doors and collapsed not very elegantly into a chair. I stared at the red barn, lost in my groggy morning mind. Wait, red barn. Ciel and Sebastian. Crap.

I stood quickly, almist tripping on my own feet and ran to the barn. I threw open the doors and climbed the ladder yelling "Ciel get up! School!"

As I got to the top of the ladder, I saw Sebastain and Ciel already up staring at me in surprise.

"Ok, I see your up and dressed. Have you eaten?" Ciel looked very confused, but that expression turned very quickly to...anger. Huh.

"I'll take that as a no" I said and tossed him a pop tart. "Catch"

Sebastain caught it for him and he took it from the butlers hand. "what is this?" He asked, poking the pop tart.

"Breakfast. Eat up, cuz that's it till lunch. Which reminds me, we-well i- put money in your account." I was talking very quickly I noticed.

Then I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked the time. "Holy crap, the school bus will be here in 5 minuets!" I grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the ladder. "come on!"

He jerked his hand from my grasp "what ate you talking about?" He asked "school. Remeber we signed you up yesterday."

"Oh that" He waved his hand in a dissmis

ive gesture. "We have more important business At the moment". I shook my head "no you dont".

I grabbed his hand began pulling him to the porch. Sebastain did nothing simply hid laughter as I reviewed with Ciel all he would need to know. "Remeber, your name is Cooper Jackson, your my cousion, and you have your contact in, good."

I had bought Ciel a contact and we had dyed his hair brown with the pretense that that was "not of the centry". Amanda had helped and she couldn't wait to see the product of her work today.

I told him all about how school worked and gave him some things to say if people get suspicious. Some of them were "I have been home schooled my entire life" and "I just moved here".

Despite all the preparing I had a feeling of dread when I hopped off the bus and waved "bye" to him.

--------- Ciel's P.O.V---------
▪••▪••▪••▪ Le Time Skip ▪••▪••▪••▪
My first day in a "public school" had gone quite well. Some things will take some getting used to however like the "technology". It was more like some form of magic.

Some annoying things are the kids who won't be quiet and the "preps" as Emma called them. Emma had also said that they "walk as slow as fashion" which I was now experienceing first hand on the way to lunch.

I finnaly got to the lunch room and spotted Emma. Thank god. She saw me and smiled, waving me over. In the glass covering the food I saw my relflection.

I still was not used to my brown hair and the eye-color changing "contact" Emma had given me.

I had argued against changing my hair color with "That Amanda girl has pink hair, why can't I keep mine?"

Amanda had responded indingnatly that she was in the room at that point and Emma had to break up a verbal fight. Why did I act so childish around those two?

I shook the thoughts from my mind as Emma asked me how my day had been going so far.

I was opening my mouth to respond when I heard "Look! Freaks got a boyfriend!" Then entire lunchroom laughed (though the laughter sounded fake). Emma looked down, blushing, her hair hiding her face.

"He's not my boyfriend" she mumbled. I turned to see that Cynthia girl from the mall, the one who had made Emma cry.

I looked around the room for pink hair, I knew Amanda would come to her- my thoughts were interrupted by a loud slap.

Amanda had waltzed straight into the room and slapped Cynthia, like she had at the mall.

Cynthia simply stared at Amanda as the girl said "mess with her again and I'll do more than slap you" .

Then she made at beeline for Emma who was staring at her as well. Amanda grabbed the green-eyed girl by the hand and began dragging her out of the room.

I followed them and in the stunned silence of the cafeteria I heard Amanda mutter "I may be afraid to get kicked from them mall but I'm scared to get suspend from this hell hole".

Omg that took soooooooo much longer than expected and I am so sorry. Things have been...busy. anyway, thank you so much for reading love yall and if u love Newt from Maze Runner then check out kitycat421 's book unthinkable.Akso, if u get the media then you are now my best friend. Thanks again, love yall

Chloe Cat

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