Chapter 11

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-----------Emma's P.O.V----------

Crap, crap, crapitty crap. That was all I could think. "O-ok, well um... A-Aunt Red, Cooper and his older brother-" I gestured to Sebastian"-...Sawyer. Their house burned down and their parents both died in a fire when Cooper was little. Sawyer is his legal gaurdian-" I was trying to make my story somewhat close to the original.

"- Anyway, they need a place to stay because they aren't excatly welthy. So, I invited them to live here." I finnished meakly.
Aunt Red's face was almost as red as her car. "And you didn't think to run this by me first?!" I looked down at the ground and shuffled my feet.

"I figured you would be to drunk to notice..." I said quielty. Aunt Red sighed.

"Well they are here now, welcome to the family boys." She smiled. "Now, do you boys need separate rooms or do you want to share one?"

"Separate please." Ciel said.

"Ok, Emma could you please show them to their rooms?" I motioned for them to follow me.

Once we got up the stairs I slumped to the floor, holding up my finger in a "wait" signal. I took a deep breath.

"Emma?" Ciel asked. Does he actually sound concerned? Nah. I took another breath and my breathing became steady. I straightened up and smiled.

"I'm fine. Now, yall can move out of the barn!" I laughed. "Come along." I gave them rooms with a shared bathroom.

We moved their stuff from the barn to their rooms. Once that was done we went down to dinner. Aunt Red had left little Chinese Take-out boxes and a note. 'Went out, will be back late, like really late. Xoxo Aunt Maxine'.

I sighed and sat down, motioning for them to sit as well. I opened the box in front of me and started eating with my chop sticks. I glanced up and saw Ciel eating his Chinese in delacate bites. I giggled, and he looked up suprised.

"What?" He asked.

"Well here in the 21st century little delecaite bites of our takeout is rather starnge. You eat takeout messily, as you do with almost every fast food or take out here. So you and your princess bites are quite hilarious." I finnished. Ciel stared at me strangely.

"Go on, try it." I urged. "Eat like this." I said and I picked up a large chunk of my noodles and shoved it into my mouth, slurping up the rest of it. "And that's how it's done." I said proudly.

Ciel motioned to my chin. "Does the proper way of eating takeout involve leaving noodles on your chin?" He inquired. My hand drifted to my chin and I grabbed the noodle and put it into my mouth

"Oh yea." I responded and I laughed. Ciel looked like he was about to smile but then he looked down at his food.

"So'" He said "you do it like this?" And shoved a gigantic chopstick full of food into his mouth and slurped it up.

"Yes!" I gasped and clapped, laughing. I looked at him and noticed he had a noodle on his chin. "You even got the noodle part!" I said and slumped over on the table laughing.

"Huh? Oh" Ciel said and 'omg did he just chuckle? Woah wut. I was probobly just imagining things' . I stood, a smile still on my face as I threw my box away. " I'm gonna go take a shower of my own, come knock on my door if you need anything ok?"

"Um Miss Franks?" Sebastian said "we have some questions for you, about this" He said and pulled out my Black Butler maga from his pocket.

"Oh. That, well ok this is gonna be really confusuing are you sure you want to hear it?" I asked, my heart was hammering in my chest. They both nodded sternly.

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