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Grayson's POV.

We were waiting in the lobby when the elevators doors opened Isabella came out with some tight waisted skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt that was gray and had a black heart in the middle, her hair was loose and wet she had makeup on but kept it natural, she looked beautiful.

"OK babes let's go get SUSHI!" She yelled ending with a singing tone.

I laughed.

We started to walk out in pairs Ethan and Cameron me and Isabella.

"Babes?" I asked.

"Yeah, wanna be my bae or nah?

Oh trust me I wanna be your bae.

"Yes, babe".

"Woah!! Your cheating on me? Cameron said joking.

"NO am respecting to have you 3 like my brothers OK BABES!" She said.

That broke me.

We arrived at the sushi restaurant I sat next to Cam and Ethan next to Isabella across from us. A lady took our order and we were waiting for our food.

"So Isabella tell us about you" I asked.

She then got sad and looked down Cameron reached for her hand on top of the table.

"If you want new babe brothers they need to know" he said in a comforting way she looked up and nodded

"OK,"she breathed in and out.

"Will, when I was 11 my parents died in a car crash we I mean my brother Andrew and I lived with my aunt Helen in Atlanta Georgia so we moved to our own house when he turned 21. I turned 17 and came to LA to find a work and I did I became a really famous model I win well and Andrew thought it was a good carrier so I moved here when I turned 18. And here I met Cameron who always made me feel happy and gives me the love I lost".

She ended and had a sad look she was stopping tears I could notice.

"But don't feel bad at all you guys am happy now Andrew got married and started his new family his baby will be born an a couple weeks I can't wait and I can't ask for more!" She said brushing away that sad face and turned so happy that made me want her more she was so positive and happy.

I replied to her with a smile she looked right in to my eyes I couldn't ask for more either.

"Will it's your turn".

"Oh, will were from New Jersey we live with our mom, dad and sister Cameron and we came here to follow our dreams and meet fans". Ethan said.


"Yeah, we started vine win we were 15 and three years later we win awarded, money, fame and incredible fans!" I replied.

"Oh that's nice!"

Our food came and we ate and laughed cause Ethan couldn't some talking and put the damn sushi in his mouth for once.

"Hey guys we should totally go to the hotels roof its so beautiful!" Isabella said when we were at the entrance. We all agreed and took the elevator.

"Wow, what a view!" Ethan said I just nodded because it was true.

We sat on the floor looking at the sky like 15 minutes later I felt Isabella lay her head on my shoulder she was asleep.

At the roof......

"Hey guys we should get going its pretty late and cold up here". I said.

They nodded and got up I grabbed Isabella bridal style and started to walk looking right at her.

"Thanks Grayson". She said with out opening her eyes.

Cameron and Ethan went in our hotel room and I carried Isabella in her room.

I opened the door and walked to her room I played her down on her bed I took off her shoes and covers her with her blanket I then stood other thinking if I should kiss her or not so I leaned in kissed her forehead she grabbed my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Grayson".

I felt butterflies in my stomach and so happy I could jump of joy. Damn this girl was driving me insane I needed her.

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