Chapter 11

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Castle was frantic. Pacing back in forth in the room while mumbling "It's Paris all over again" to himself. Beckett was on the phone with Gates, getting her up to speed. Ryan and Esposito had traced where the call had come from and raced there, despite knowing she most likely wasn't there. When Beckett finished her call, she went over to her husband and stood in front of him to stop his pacing.

"Hey. It's ok. We'll find her, I promise," Kate said. "Don't promise that," Castle replied. "Wait. If he was the one stalking her, who has her?" Castle wondered. "Maybe he was working for someone," Beckett theorized. "If we figure out who he was working for, we can find Alexis!" Castle exclaimed, running for the car to get back to the precinct. "Wait for your pregnant wife!" Kate called out as she ran as fast as she could.


When they arrived at the precinct, Ryan and Esposito were already there. "We have a theory," Castle and Beckett said at the same time. Castle started, "The victim must have been working for someone. We just need to find out who he was-" "Mr. Castle!" Gates called from her doorway. "A word." Kate finished explaining while Castle walked to Gates' office looking like a kid who got called to the principal's office.

"Go home," Gates said. "What? No! I have to stay here and help them find her!" Castle said, getting worked up. "Calm down. We can set up a video link between your home and the precinct so you can help, but you need to go home in case they call for ransom," she explained. Castle reluctantly agreed, and left the office. He told his wife what was happening, and made Ryan and Esposito promise to take care of Kate. He then left, sending a quick text to Kate saying he was leaving the car for her and taking a cab.


When he got home, not only was Castle greeted by his mother, he was greeted by a team of FBI agents. "Mr. Castle, we have set up-" the leader started. "Yeah, I know the drill. This is the second time my daughter has been taken," Castle said as he went to his office without another word. He was followed by a confused, red-headed actress.

"Last time this practically destroyed you. Why are you not upset?" Martha questioned. "Of course I'm upset! Someone has taken my daughter! I'm not as upset as last time, because this time I know who to call," Castle said as he picked up his phone. "You're calling your father," Martha said connecting the dots. At this point Martha felt relieved yet worried at the same time. "Have you told Katherine about any of this?" She questioned. "No. I don't want her to worry about this, with the babies and all," Castle explained. "Her stepdaughter who is basically her own was kidnapped for the second time! She is already extremely worried!" Martha said. Castle just ignored her.


A few hours later and no leads caused Ryan and Esposito to force Kate Beckett to go home and get some rest, despite all of her arguments. "You are pregnant with sextuplets. You are going home, end of discussion," Esposito said in his big brother manner. Kate huffed and walked out of the precinct, with the two detectives following her. They got in their car and followed her home to her loft, worried that something might happen to her. When they knew she was safe with Castle, they went back to the precinct to keep working.


When Kate Beckett walked into her home, she expected the team from the FBI. What she did not expect, however, was her husband's spy father and a woman who she did not know. "Castle, what the hell is this?" Kate asked before even saying hello. She was a cranky pregnant woman after all, and the stress of the day was not helping. "Kate, you know my father. Meet his wife, my stepmother, Rita Hunt," Castle introduced. Rita gave a smile and continued talking with her husband. Kate walked over to her husband and started asking questions.

"What are they doing here?" She questioned. "They're here to find Alexis," Castle said matter-of-factly. "Why did you not tell me this?" Kate said, still a little angry. "I didn't want you to worry," Castle said, looking into his wife's eyes sweetly. "Too late. How are they going to help?" Kate asked. "They're spies. They are the best ones to find Alexis," Castle said. Kate eventually agreed and got up to help, much to her husband's disappointment.

"I know the boys sent you home to rest, and that's exactly what you will be doing. You have six babies in you depending on you to be well rested, so please go get some rest. I will wake you up in an hour and a half to get back to work, but right now you need some rest. Please?" Castle begged.

"Fine," Kate said as she walked into the couple's bedroom.

A/N: Honestly, I hate this chapter, but at almost 1 in the morning, I felt that you guys needed a chapter. I've never written anything remotely case-like, so I'm basically guessing. I think next chapter or the one after that we will find Alexis, so after that chapters might be somewhat better again. Sorry for this crappy one! Hopefully next ones will be better!

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