Xiao pt. 1

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"hoam." I yawned. That was really a goodnight sleep. I slept for about? I grab my phone that still connected to the charger beside my bed and see the screen, to see the digital clock. Because for me, wall clock or an alarm clock would be a waste of money if i've buy it. Because i usually checks the time through my phone.

The screen said, "09:04 a.m."

whoa, i slept for almost 10 hours long? As long as it's still holiday i guess it's fine. Like the other teenagers does whenever they woke up in the morning, the first activity they did in the morning was checking their phone notification. I saw a kakaotalk. But from who?

"Dongyeol sent you a message (1)"

Ah i see, he wasn't asleep last night. But what took him so long to replied it?

[ 09:05 a.m. ] Me
Good morning!
Sorry i fell asleep early last night. But i tried to reach you because i remembered that i made a promise to make a video call with you. But when i wanted to call you, you didn't answer me.
What were you training about? I'm curious! (put on peach emojis)

I sigh and walk down to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. I opened the refrigerator and grab some ingridients that i needed to make my sandwich. I walk to the dining room where the bread were placed. I take 2 slice with me and went back to the kitchen.

When i was about to take the chilli sauce, My aunt there and asked, "What did you make there?"

"A sandwich."

"Do you know who is the owner of the bread you just stole?"

Oh. Sorry.

"Sorry. I thought that bread was meant for everybody that lives in this house. I didn't know it was yours. Sorry." I appologized to her. You know, if i already decided to live here that means i'm also her child too right? At least she shares a spare of bread with me. Even though it's only a slice.

"You can take it now. But next time, I'll tell your uncle what did you do this time."


Why can't people be nice to me for once in my lifetime? I sighed and walk up to my room then locked it. I actually misses my mom. If only my school was nearer to them i already moved there along with my mom. I already felt i was in jail- No. Hell. Seriously, there's this time when i was studying for my mid-semester test, my uncle and his son was fighting over only a small thing. I don't particularly knows what had happened there. But i just don't like how he disciplined his child with violence. Especially verbal violence. That's why his son is a crybaby. My head hissed in pain again, i tried to relieve my stress through surfing the internet like i used to.

I'm so addicted to Bangtan. So i like to search Bangtan's tags on tumblr. I'm not that active as a tumblr-blogger, But i like to stalks my following's posts because it's interesting. I'm more of a silent blogger instead of an active one. I took a bite of my sandwich while i was blogging. I like to reblog all of my interest there. So i reblogged all that i think interesting.

But there's one post that made my eyes widen.

Is that..?

No he couldn't be. He said, he was 18 and this person's birthyear was 1998. 1998 should be on their 17th year of their life by now. Hm.

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