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The sun was shining as bright as now. How can 2015 be so cruel as fuck to me? I scrolled down my tumblr blog and found an article saying that TOP Media will be debuting a new boygroup. How can them letting a new boygroup to the list? They haven't promote 100% in this whole year. So i think the new boygroup will be their other failed project. I sigh, then move to another tab to open omegle.

I put "kpop" as my interest on it. Because i'm so bored as hell in this whole holiday. I also wanted to add some new mutuals in kpop. I have too much anime mutuals in my timeline and naver line. So, adding another kpop lovers wont be that bad right?

Searching for stranger.

At least that was the site said for awhile. Those words dissapeared when finally i met a stranger.

Stranger : Hi

Me : Hi

Stranger : Asl??

Me : 16 F, Japan.

Stranger : 18 M, Korea

Me : cool! which group do you like?
I like bangtan the best!

Stranger : ooh. I like Teen Top! Because they are cool! I like AOA too

Me : I like teen top too!

Stranger : Yeay! I like Ricky hyung the best!

Me : I like chunji oppa
Me : Is it okay for you showing affection towards kpop idols in korea? i thought you'll be bullied by it?

Stranger : That's why i come to omegle and tagged this interest!

Me : I see you came here to find yourself a kpop friend too! if your purpose is the same as me, I like to be friends with you!

Stranger : Really?? You have kakaotalk?

Me : I have!
Me : it's haru_miura

Stranger : Okay wait! I want to add you

Me : Okay.

While i was waiting for him to add me, I move to my tumblr again and found shits on it. "Ah another shits happened in kpop. what an attention seeker. whoo." I said with a more sarcastic voice. When i was browsing through tumblr, my phone was buzzing. I thought that was my friend Shira or Nasa who texted me because of some chaos that the both of them made. But when i opened my phone to see who it was. I saw a big rectangle box saying,

"동열 sent you a message."

who is 동열? forgive me for didn't understand a word in korean. So i opened it and saw his message for me. I added him and texted him back.

[ 10:00 p.m. ] 동열
Hello. I'm the boy from omegle

[ 10:02 p.m. ] Me
Hello:) So, my name is Miu, what's yours?

[ 10:02 p.m. ] 동열
Dongyeol. You have cute name!

[ 10:03 p.m. ] Me
Hehe! Thank you!

[ 10:04 p.m. ] 동열
I'm not good english. Sorry

[ 10:04 p.m. ] Me
Hey, that's okay. You'll be fine and perhaps i can teach you? hehe^^

[ 10:05 p.m. ] 동열
Really? thank you^^ you very kind

[ 10:06 p.m. ] Me
Your very welcome dongyeol-kun!

[ 10:07 p.m. ] 동열
What kun?

[ 10:07 p.m. ] Me
It's a suffix you say to a male close friend

[ 10:08 p.m. ] 동열
Can you teach japanese?

[ 10:09 p.m. ] Me
of course! if you want to.

[ 10:09 p.m. ] 동열
Yes!! Haha
You have close male friend?

[ 10:10 p.m. ] Me
mmmm... not much. hehe.

[ 10:11 p.m. ] 동열
How about boyfriend?

[ 10:11 p.m. ] Me

[ 10:12 p.m. ] 동열
I dont have friend alot. And i'm really lonely class

[ 10:12 p.m. ] Me
Eeeh? Why?

[ 10:13 p.m. ] 동열
I focus in other activity. Because that, i don't often go to school. And i don't make friend

[ 10:14 p.m. ] Me
What kind of activities?

[ 10:14 p.m. ] 동열
Mmm.. Training

[ 10:16 p.m. ] Me
Are you an athlete??

[ 10:16 p.m. ] 동열
No. trainer

[ 10:17 p.m. ] Me

That conversation finally goes to an end in 12 a.m. He said he was an athlete so i guess must be so busy outside his school activities so he didn't make many friends and now he's really lonely. Poor dongyeol.. I hope i can be there and comfort that little boy. Wait! I'm younger than him! Haha! But really, he's really far from his parents too! I bet he's really lonely because i also live far far away from my mom. My mom lives in singapore with his new husband and i live here in a small perfecture near akihabara with my grandma and uncle. Because they uses their ego too much, and care only for theirself, i'm really lonely. When i burried myself deep inside my pillow, i take a little peak on my digital clock on my laptop. It said, "00:30 a.m." So i think i should go to sleep now. Because who knows if tomorrow my grandma needs me to take her to some place again?

[ Author's Note! ]➡ This is probably my very first fanfic! i'm currently doing a seventeen imagines and bangtan imagines too! I accept request too for those who wants!^^

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