So, yeah. I'm alive
After a while, we went back and told the others I lived
There were some tears, some welcomes, and some death threats
The Morphus was sent back to Kronos prison for a life sentence
I was happy they would never be showing their fake or real faces ever again
I have no intentions of going back to Kronos
After that, Scarlett and I went on that date i promised her. We had it on earth. I was glad to be on solid ground again.
The Enterprise wasn't in that bad shape, Scotty and almost a hundred engineers went strait to work on it.
We'll be back in space in no time
After all the problems and the "coming back from the dead", you'll think we'd stop exploring.
But no
We all know the risks we take, and we accept it
I wouldn't change one part of it for the world
Even the entire galaxy that we're going to explore
And that's how we like it