Introducing... DA DA DA DAAAAAAA!!!

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Me: okay yes... It's me, the most annoying author that you can't get rid of!

Hiro: Welcome to the ask and dare book!

Me:... Hiro... We discussed this... We even practised it... This was not how this was meant to go!

Honey Lemon: DOESN'T MATTER!

Me: *facepalm*

(•-•) <--- baymax btw: You may hurt yourself if you hit your head Talle.

Me: Thanks Baymax....

(•-•): pleasure to help!

GoGo: so I assume we aren't going but the script?!


Wasabi: Well I can already predict someone is gonna die...

Me: very optimistic ain't ya?

Hiro: Anyways! We will all go around answering one question to begin with... These were created by Talle's sister so... I don't know if these will be any good.

Honey Lemon: how old is she anyways?

Me: um... *goes red* I think 9... Or 10?

Fred: anyways!!! Questions, questions, questions!!!

Baymax: first one is for GoGo! If you had to trade the ability of your speed for anything else... What would it be?

GoGo: so like, I can never go fast?!

Wasabi: I guess so...

GoGo: a pack of gum.

Honey Lemon: gum? That's it?

Me: right...

GoGo: no but the gum helps relieved stress you see.

Wasabi: fair point.

(•-•): Fred, give Talle a really embarrassing nickname that you have to call her for the rest of this book!

Fred: Talliepoo.

Me: I'm sorry?

Hiro: *laughs hard* that's a good one.

Me: *punches Hiro's arm*

Hiro: ow!

Wasabi: now you know how I feel!

Me: *sigh* if you say so....

Baymax: Talle, how do you feel writing this book? Knowing that everything everyone says is really just you?

Me: um...


GoGo:... No... We aren't.

Wasabi: I'm offended.

Me:... Well... Uh... Normal? Because you know... I'm not saying anything! They are!

Fred: *nods approvingly* now here is an author that knows what she is talking about.

Hiro: legit made no sense...

(•-•): Wasabi, if you could change your nickname to something else, what would it be?

Wasabi: *thinks hard* probably... Sour cream and onion dressing!

Fred: *goldfish face*

Me: *laughing butt off*

Hiro: * laughing with me*

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