I pead the floor...

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Me: Hello Everyone!

Hiro: *yawns and falls asleep on my shoulder*

Me: *Wacks his head*

Hiro: AGH! I'm up!

Tadashi: Hey Talle!

Me: So how was your naps?

Honey Lemon: Refreshing! We just read your last chapter- super hilarious!

GoGo: what was? the only thing you mentioned was how Talle was half Asian and Caucasian 

Honey Lemon: Um, Fred's dares were hilarious?

Wasabi: well i'm glad updates are becoming more frequent

Me: yeah, i think i procrastinate most when i know a dare is big... otherwise short ones can be accomplished pretty quick

Fred: I heard there was another dare for Freddy!

Me: yup! there is!

Tadashi: Another? this will be good!

Me: yup! It's from shy_fangirl 

GoGo: okay, and what would she like Fred to do?

Me: Do...his laundry

Everyone: WHAT

Fred: Can't baymax do it?

Hiro: Baymax is charging Fred...

Wasabi: about time you do your laundry!

 Fred: *sighs* alright, let the torturous activity begin!

*Book magic takes us to a very bad smelling laundry room*

Tadashi: the smell is so bad i think i'll pass out!

Wasabi: *faints*

GoGo: i guess he was a step ahead of you... *Holds her nose* yuck

Me: i honestly don't mind the smell

Honey Lemon: SERIOUSLY?!

Hiro: How?!

Me: um... well like... I've smelt worse but the smell just isn't powerful to me- and i have a strong sense of smell

Fred: right... so lets do this laundry! *opens washing machine and dumps cloths in*

Me: um... okay i hope Fred knows what he is doing

Fred: Relax Talleipoo, this is my mom's recipe!

Honey Lemon: wait, recipe?!

Fred: *grabs eggs, milk, butter and water*


Fred: *cracks two eggs neatly and empties them inside*

Wasabi: *still passed out*

Tadashi: FRED WAIT!

Fred: *dumps eggs in and adds milk*

Me: oh gosh...

Fred: *Adds all the ingredients and grabs a broom*

Hiro: wait what are you doing?!

Fred: *stirs clothes and cake mix*

Wasabi: *recovers* Oh my gosh Fred what are you doing?!

Fred: Laundry! My mom's recipe!

GoGo: i think that's a cake recipe!

Fred: *adds dish washer liquid and closes the machine* What?

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