Lets get this partay STARTED!!!

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GoGo: is this meant to be happy?

Honey Lemon:...

Wasabi: uh yes?

GoGo: oh okay... Let me try again... Yay.

Hiro:... You're getting there.

(•—•): do we have any dares Talle?

Fred: yeah!!! Spill! We wanna get in on some of the action...

Honey Lemon: is there gonna be more Chaniro??

Hiro: *facepalms*

Me:... Well Hiro... This is a dare for both of us.

Honey Lemon: Chaniro moment!

Hiro: not again please

GoGo: you have to lie on a bed of nails with Talle on top of you...

Hiro: WHAT?!

Wasabi: where are we gonna get a bed of nails or a harness to lower you onto?

Fred: this is a book! We can use magic to get one!

Me: yay... Note the excitement.

Fred: *clicks fingers* Ta Da! A bed of nails and harness.

*bed of nails and harness appear*

Wasabi: *facepalm* not really helping you know...

Me: *sigh* lets get this over and done with. *grabs Hiro's hand*

Hiro and I: *get into harness*

Hiro: I can't believe I'm doing this...

Me: blame my sister for this one.

Hiro: the Chaniro shipper?!

Fred: that's the one! You can do it Hiro and Talliepoo!

Me: still calling me that!!?

(•—•): your sister told him to, remember?

Me: *groans* how could I not?!

Fred: your sister seems cool, Freddy wanna meet her!

Me: maybe another time if the readers want to...

Honey Lemon: ready Hiro?

Wasabi: good luck both of you!

Hiro: I'm gonna die... I'm gonna be stabbed...

Me: you won't.

GoGo: yeah cause your weight will be evenly spread through the bed of nails!

Hiro: is that meant to be helpful? *gets lowered. IT TICKLES SO BAD!!!! *cries*

Me: well... I'm about to be lowered on top of you... *lowered*

Hiro: this feels wrong...

Me: at least I'm on you and not the nails.

Hiro: thanks for the reminder.

Me: what are friends for? *smiles evilly*

Honey Lemon: CHANIRO! CHANIRO! *takes picture*

Hiro and I: HONEY LEMON!!!!

GoGo: please send that to me...

Me: don't you dare! *gets lifted*

Hiro: THANK GOODNESS... It felt awkward. Like you were lying on top of me...

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