We've Got Tadashi's Wallet!!!

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Me: *claps hands loudly* HEELLLLOOOOO

Everyone: GAH!

GoGo: sup?

Me: not much...

Hiro: sooo...

Me: oh! Hi Hiro...

Tadashi: can't get your mind off the kiss? *smirks*

Me: *jumps in surprise* what?! No!!! My mind is crammed with other stuff

Fred: like what?

Wasabi: I know! the kiss!

Me: no! Just... Other stuff...

Honey Lemon: like what?

Me: *shakes head* stuff... Shall we continue the dares?

Tadashi: *shakes head* no, seriously, what's up?

Me: I'm just wondering about something

Hiro: what!!?

Me: what it's like to um... Go to Disney World...

GoGo: haven't you been?

Me: *shakes head*

Fred: woah, dude it was the best!!! Like after a short flight away is the Walt Disney Animation Studios!!!

Me: it's actually my dream to visit those to places

Wasabi: then why not go?

Me: *frowns* that's the problem... I'm locked within the country borders

Fred: uh why?

Me: one, I can't afford it... Two, i don't have a passport

Honey Lemon: then... Get one!

Hiro: yeah!

Me: yeah but both parents need to sign the passport...

Hiro: oh... I think I know where this is heading...

Me: I don't mean to sound selfish but... I've been through a lot...

GoGo: no it's natural to want something for yourself every once in a while...

Me: I guess...

Wasabi: so you can't get your passport

Me: *shakes head* I've had this dream for 7 years... I'm not gonna give up though

Honey Lemon: that's the spirit!

Hiro: don't give up!

Tadashi: I'm sure you'll get there soon.

Me: I guess, anyways, shouldn't we be doing some dares?

Wasabi: oh yeah!

Fred: that's what I've been trying to tell you guys!

GoGo: no, that's what Talle has been trying to tell us.

Honey Lemon: so, whose the first darer ?

Tadashi: oh! It's Rabdallah9030  ! And she dares me to have a staring contest with her!

Wasabi: well let's get started then!

Tadashi: *wide eyes* she has quite a few!

Hiro: *smiles at me reassuringly* you'll get there someday.

Me: *smiles back* I hope so... Let's summon Rabdallah9030  with story magic

*summons Rabdallah9030 *

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