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Me: And we are back again!

Fred: Hey talliepoo!

Me: Hey Fred *Looks around* where are the others?

Fred: Well Wasabi is here

Wasabi: Hey guys!

Fred and I: Hey wasabi!

Wasabi: if you are wondering where the others are, they are busy sleeping

Me: i figured their lazy side would come out today...

Fred: so what shall we do in the meantime?

Me: well Nightstar888 has given us a couple of dares we could complete

Fred: just us three?

Wasabi: why not?

Me: exactly! You guys barely get mentioned in other wattpad stories so i feel like i need to spread the love

Fred: Awe thanks Talliepoo!

Me: No prob! *smiles*

Wasabi: this will be fun

Me: But first! i have an important message!

Fred: Yay! *climbs on to wasabi* Talliepoo has a message!

Wasabi: *struggles with Fred's weight*

Me: right...well anyways, i'm behind on my Ask and Dare Big hero 6 book and need time to catch up- so, in order for me to do so, all requests are gonna be put on hold!

wasabi and Fred: WHAT!?

Me: Anymore given after this message will not be done so my suggestion is to wait and then post, i apologize for this but until all current requests are done, i can't accept anymore, everyone who has requested before this message will get their dare and questions completed but until then, anymore requests will be IGNORED! so sorry and thank you for understanding!

Fred: you must have your plate full talliepoo

Me: yeah i do hehe...

Wasabi: so should we proceed with Night's dares?

Me: yup! The first one is for Fred alone *drags Fred and whispers in his ear*

Fred: Alright!

Wasabi: what's the dare?

Fred: Freddy has to walk a tight rope!

Wasabi: oh gosh

Me: *creates a tight rope with story book magic* Ta Da!

Fred: *climbs onto tightrope* WOOO look wasabi! look how high i am!

Wasabi: *covers his eyes* oh my god Fred is gonna break his neck! I can't watch!

Fred: *balances* woah! This is cool guys!

Me: Careful! *winks*

Fred: Yup! *Winks back*

Wasabi: *looks at Fred* Oh gosh...

Fred: *Pretends to slip and fall* AAAGGGHHHHH

Wasabi: AAGHH oH MY GOSH NO!!!!*

*A safety net appears and catches Fred on the last second*


Wasabi: OH MY GOSH!!! *blinks* wait what?

Me: *laughs* Fred scared ya good!

Fred: HIYA! *Climbs out of net*

Wasabi: I nearly had a heart attack!

Ask and Dare - Big Hero 6Where stories live. Discover now