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Wasabi: TALLE!!!

Fred: How was the meet and greet?!


Tadashi: what happened?

Me: oh loads of stuff- we weren't allowed to take photos while getting stuff signed so I secretly recorded everything and stuffed my phone in my pocket

GoGo: ha smart *high fives*

Honey Lemon: so you have the audio of your meet?

Me: yup! It's sucks how I can't post videos on wattpad but I can give a transcript of the conversation

Hiro: sure!

Me: okay... So it went EXACTLY like this;

Me: *waiting in crowd* (we got there early and became 2nd in line)

*30 mins later (literally, we were that early)

Jeremy: *enters station and sits down and talks with first people*

Me: *starts jumping up and down* Savannah, (little sister) come up with me!

Savannah: no way!

Assistant next to Jeremy: okay you can come forward now

Me: *rushes forward and hands autograph ticket*

Sister, aunt and mom: *stand to the side*

Me: *smiles*

Jeremy: helloo! How are you this morning?

Me: H-hi! Good thanks!

Jeremy: Very good! Awesome!

Me: *shows and places drawing down on table in front of him*

Jeremy: this is super cute! Where'd you get this at?

Me: I-I drew it *giggles nervously*

Jeremy: really?

Me: yeah

Jeremy: that's awesome!

Me: oh and this is my name *shows him a yellow sticky note with the correct spelling of my name*

Jeremy: Chan- how do you pronounce that?

Me: Chantalle.

Jeremy: Chantalle? (He said my name!!! - okay judge but his voice sounds a lot like Finn - no shit- so um yeah)

Me: heh... *nods slightly*

*background noises*

My mom: *talking to someone quietly but not quiet enough for my phone to pick it up* she's super excited...

Me: heh heh *giggles nervously and makes absolute fool of self*

Jeremy: *signs and stuff*

Me: *smiles like an idiot and watches him write*

Jeremy: Boom! *finishes the little Finn drawing* *flips picture around* how's that?

Me: *giggles and nods in appreciation*

Jeremy: *grins*

Me: thank you, so much!

Jeremy: *hands drawing to me* you're welcome, up top! *raises left hand*

Me: *gets all excited and high fives him with my right and screams inside because I now know why people never want to wash their hand again*

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