28~ party too hard

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I'll change it up a bit and do someone else's pov. :)

Ricky's pov.

What do I say? I mean we both know we can't let Kian die but it would break Kian and Zoey if they separated. Why does Zoey have to go through this?! She has had such a hard life and it just doesn't end for her.

She is so strong and she has got to keep fighting. Zoey asked what she should do and honestly I don't know. The only physically safe one is to dump Kian but mentally and emotionally it won't be good for either of them.

"We have to keep Kian safe and he can't know the real reason why I'm breaking up with him!" Zoey says breaking the silence. I guess she has already decided. It was going to come down to that option one way or another no one wanted to say it first.

She ran a hand through her hair obviously stressed out. I can't blame her so I did the only thing I could think of. I pulled her into a gentle comforting hug while rubbing her lower back. We stay like that and she calmed down after a little while.

The party music had quitened down and I checked the time on my watch to see if that was the reason. It read 3:37am. It definitely didn't feel that long but for the most part of the night I had fun and I'm sure MOST people did as well.

I didn't even know how long Zoey and I had been up here talking so we both decided to make a reappearance to Jc's birthday party. Zoey cleaned herself up and we both walked down the wooden stairs and heard the awesome song called 'Groove' by Jack and Jack.

I saw that one third or so of the party had left to go home and a few people were passed out while others were still partying. I see out of the corner of my eye Zoey staring at something. I look in her direction to figure out what and I'm soon met with a tipsy Kian.

Kian didn't like getting drunk because of the after effect or he usually does something stupid so it is rare that he would be drunk. He was only tipsy but if he had 1 or 2 he would be drunk. Sam and Kian we both doing some weird dance moves on the floor.

Conner was controlling the music and seemed to be enjoying it while Jc was flirting with some random girl. Trevor came but he was no where in sight, he most likely went home. Everyone looked like they were having a good time but Zoey was faking her smile.

Zoey's pov.

Kian saw me and waved me over and I put on a big smile and walked over. He hung his arm over my shoulder and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Are you feeling any better babe?" Kian asked worried. I could smell the alcohol in his breath but I didn't mind.

I nodded and he handed me a drink which I gladly took. I probably needed a drink to relax a little. I couldn't see Ricky anymore but I wanted to thank him for helping me. Kian and I danced to the pop/rap song. We just made up the moves but it was still fun.

I blocked out the past with Matt and Jack and I blocked out the future with what would happen. I focused on what was happening now, who I was with now and just kept dancing till the party came to an ended.


I felt someone lightly shake me awake and I just groaned and rolled over. I thought I would of rolled onto whatever I was laying on but I felt myself falling. I squeled and thought that this was how it was going to end.

I'm going to die because of falling off of something. I landed with a thud and I groaned some more. I had a slight headache and I opened my eyes to a dim lit room. I saw someone standing over me and soon saw Ricky.

He helped me up and he looked fine, I thought he would at least have some sort of headache from the party, but nope, nothing! I walked into the kitchen and saw Kian sleeping on the kitchen bench and Jc's leg was in the oven and the rest of his body was laying on the floor.

My brother just looked plain possessed. He must of partied hard but Kian I'm assuming must only have a headache. I grabbed 3 glasses and filled them up with water and had some advil headache tablets.

Ricky woke up the boys and I heard them all groan like zombies. After what seemed like a life time but was only 10 minutes the boys were finally up and Jc looked dead. They each gulped down some tablets with water and we decided to just relax today.

We heard loud footsteps and soon saw Conner walk through the door. He looked like like a ray of sunshine, I knew he had a lot to drink but he seemed fine. Ricky explained that he never gets a hangover...so unfair!! "SO WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST BOYS AND GIRL!?" Conner shouted in a high pitched voice.

I winced as my head started to hurt and so did Kian but Jc was more effected by the sound. After Jc had got himself together he turned to Conner. "Dude keep it down!" He whispered/shouted. Conner put his hands up and whispered a 'sorry' back. Geez this was going to be a long day!!

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