ten - tyler

307 38 10

ik we didn't get 15 votes but 12 is close enough so here i am 

can we try for the same on this chapter? Around 15 votes and five comments? thank youu

Connor was gone.

I didn't know when he'd left or whether he'd said goodbye, but suddenly I realised he wasn't there. Instead all I saw was that the room now had  a strange yellowy liquid appearance, the corners and edges of the room meshing and melting together, and my whole body felt like numb lead. My lips were dry and sore, but I couldn't even move my tongue to lick them; all I could do was blink at the ceiling as it dipped and crawled above me. Troye's fingers were twisting in mine, pressed against my side but seemingly as immobile as I was. I heard him make a few noises like he was trying to talk, but my heartbeat was deafening in my ears and I was so damn dizzy.

I didn't even hear the door open, but as soon as hands touched my skin all my nerves went up in flames. I croaked out something intelligible as my eyelids slid shut and I felt Troye's now limp fingers pulled out of mine, and I shivered at the loss until there was absolutely nothing left. 


There was a snatch of something psychedelic, maybe a swirl of red-yellow-green traffic lights, through a thick film of cloth. The ground beneath me swayed and shuddered, and I heard murmurs, breathing, tires and car horns, muffled and distant. My chest burned steadily as I struggled for breath against whatever was covering my face, and I only just heard Troye groan my name before I was out again.


"Do you love me?"

There was light everywhere, winking off his eyes and bouncing off the crystal surrounding us - I didn't know where we were, but everything was impossibly bright and vivid, so much so that it hurt my eyes. Troye stood before me like some beautiful apparition, but didn't come any closer. "Do you love me?" he asked again, his voice echoing, or maybe it was "Do you trust me?" , or maybe they were the same thing.



" - stop it!" 

That was my ears popping, the sound level shooting back up into painful clarity. My feet slipped and scrambled for a hold as I heaved upwards and tried to stand out of sheer confusion, but I fell against someone who was most definitely not Troye and froze. My whole body hurt and tingled from whatever I'd been drugged with - where was I? 

The person who I still hadn't seen grabbed my collar and pulled me to my feet again. I heard Troye choke out my name, but my glasses had fallen off and I couldn't see.

"Tr - "

Someone smacked me, hard, and I nearly went down again. My hands were tied together at the wrists so I raised them both to my face, wincing. Thiswasbadthiswasbadthiswas - 

"He needs his glasses," came Troye's voice again, high and strangled with anxiety. "He needs his glasses and you have to let him go he didn't do anything -"

My glasses were positioned roughly on my face and I blinked uncomprehendingly at the scene in front of me - it was a dark room and there was Troye with his hands bound but still managing to look extremely intimidating, surrounded by three of four individuals with what looked like guns and holy shit was this even real? I felt relieved to see Troye, even in the middle of all of this...but then his face drained of color and he jerked towards me restlessly and my breath stuck in my throat.


"Troye." Voice like an oil slick. "How nice to see you again."

I'd never seen Troye so afraid, and it terrified me. His mouth fell open but nothing came out until he managed to hiss, "Let Tyler go." I unfroze and turned  to see whoever had just come in but was turned roughly back to face away from the newcomer and Troye growled low in his throat.

We made eye contact. He raised his eyebrows, and I nodded that I was okay, even though I obviously wasn't.

"I'm serious, Logan," Troye snarled, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "I'll go with you willingly but not if you drag Tyler in too. He's not part of any of this-"

"Who said anything about willingly?" 

A chill ran through me at his words. I lurched around before my guard could catch me, desperate to look at this mystery face, and saw deeply carved wrinkles, a level mouth and eyes that were fucking cold, even if his mouth was in some form of a smile. I think that was what scared me the most - that this Logan guy could stand in front of Troye and I bleeding and frightened, and feel nothing. Maybe that's why when Troye caught my eye he snapped.

"I will kill all of you." he spat suddenly, full of so much venom that even I flinched. Troye scrambled towards Logan, reaching out his bound hands like he was going to strangle him. "I will kill all of you if you lay one hand on him -" 

Something flickered behind me. One of the men by Troye jammed something into Troye's lower back and he seized, eyes rolling back into his head, and collapsed, twitching with electricity. I started to scream, but even as the raw sound left my mouth all I could think of was that even when they had him at gun point, these people took Troye's threats seriously enough to Taser him at the slightest suggestion of his wrath - so what the hell had he done that merited that?

Electric current bolted through me, all consuming and inconceivably  hot. I followed Troye to the floor and prayed to a God I didn't believe in to make it stop make it stop make all of this stop

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