twenty-seven - tyler

208 29 15

a wild @smolkittensivan appears in this chapter

When I woke up, Troye was gone, and I felt sick.

It was fine, I reassured myself then; he had gone on the job today, that was all. He hadn't spoken much about it to me, so I wasn't sure how dangerous it was, but Troye could handle it. Troye could handle anything. So why did I feel so uneasy?

Someone I didn't know came in to give me breakfast a few minutes later- dark hair, dark eyes that wouldn't meet mine. They set a bowl down on the drawers and went as if to say something, but then turned to go. Their expression made worry twist my gut even tighter. "Hey, wait -" I tried, and they looked back at me, one hand on the doorknob.

"I'm sorry." they said, a soft Scottish admittance of something akin to pity, and left without another word. I stood still for a moment, and then ate the cereal without really tasting it. I'd learned not to waste food here since I never really knew when the next meal was coming, but as soon as I put the spoon down my stomach spasmed and struggled to keep it down. My body was rejecting any form of help because it sounded like Troye might be dead and oh my God what was I going to do without him -

No. I cut off my rabid train of thought and took a deep breath. Troye wasn't dead. He'd never leave me, not even by accident, of that I was sure. He loved me, and I loved him, regardless of what had happened in his past.

I waited another ten minutes, and then they exploded into my room.

It was too small to hold them; Phil and Chris came smashing in and dragged me out before I even had time to blink, hands cold and painfully strong and offering no mercy. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered that they were supposed to be on the job with Troye - so what were they doing here?

Down the corridor and up a flight of stairs, my feet twisting painfully on each step. They weren't listening to me, weren't answering my questions or acknowledging my yelps when my toes kicked too hard against the banisters. Fear started to flood me, lighting fires all through my veins, until finally they stopped and Phil let go of me to open a door. Chris shoved me in, de ja vu washing over me like cold sweat, his face dangerously impassive.

I heard a gun click, the barrel of it rammed into my temple. "What the fuck -" I started, my voice trembling despite my anger, and Logan growled.

"Did he tell you? Did he tell you?" he snapped, his normally calm demeanor vanished.

"What are you -"

The gun went off right next to my ear, the bullet ploughing through the floorboards, and I couldn't contain my scream of fright. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" Logan roared, and I flinched, my ears ringing too loudly for me to form a reply.

"I'll make him talk." Carter's voice, who I hadn't even noticed was in the room, made my blood run cold. He pushed off the wall, coming forward with an odd, scary sort of smile. He reached into his pocket and I reared back away from him, swallowing hard.

"I don't know what you're talking a -"

Bang. Another bullet, this time in the wall close to my head. I sprang away from it, wondering where the hell Troye was, and why it was taking him so long to stop all this.

"Logan?" Chris interrupted softly. "I - you're not going to kill him, are you?"

Kill me?

"No, or Troye would never come back."

Come back -?

"He's all yours, Carter. Just don't bleed him out."

My eyes went wide as a grin spread across Carter's face. I looked up at Phil and Chris, knowing they were Troye's old friends and praying that they'd do something to stop this madness, but to my horror they were walking away. Logan followed before I could say another word, and Carter's smile only grew.

In a flash he was on top of me, his knees pinning my wrists to the floor, crushing the air out of my stomach. He teased the tip of the knife through my hair and laughed as my breathing started to quicken - this couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. Troye would never let this happen. I opened my mouth to try and shout for him, but the words wouldn't come.

"He's not coming." Carter whispered, and I started shouting like I'd saved it all for him.

Hours later, my throat was raw from screaming until the sound bounced off the walls, but he was finished at last. I stayed curled on the floor, making no effort to hide my crying - I'd lost that dignity a while back. After I'd stopped trying to be brave. Shouting didn't make the cuts he made all over me hurt any less, but at least it was cathartic.

Even after everything they had said, I still held onto a tiny foolish hope that Troye would rush in suddenly, wash away the blood, make everything as okay as it could be in a place like this. It wasn't until Carter gave me one last disgusted kick, flicked out the lights and left the room that I realised the truth.

Troye had escaped and left me here.

And in the dark, covered in my own blood, I shivered and cried and eventually lost consciousness - and I did it all alone.




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