eleven - troye

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Logan Connolly was a bastard and I was dying to see him again.

 I'd woken up alone in a room little bigger than a storage closet, but I knew just by the hum of the generator that we were in the building I'd spent so many years in, just off the center of the city. It seemed cruel to bring me back here, but even crueler to separate Tyler and I. The only hope I had of seeing Tyler was begging Logan to let me, and even then it wasn't certain. 

Where was Tyler, I thought. Was he unconscious? Hurt? Was he being beaten as I sat here twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone to tell me what was going?

My ears stung, an aftereffect of the electric shock that had rendered me useless to help either of us. I rubbed them absentmindedly, and then the door opened and I saw a face that I very much remembered.

"Phil - " I said, standing with a smile to greet him, but all he did was take my wrists and pull a plastic tie closed around them, avoiding my eyes, and I remembered; we were like strangers now, and we were on opposing sides. "Phil, where's Tyler?" I tried again, a little desperately, but he didn't answer, just gripped my forearm and pulled me after him into the corridors I knew all too well. Industrial grey carpeting and fluorescent lights - it reminded me of an office building, but this was where the Family kept hostages, cooped up in one of the countless tiny rooms until they lost their minds. Tyler was probably around here somewhere, but there were so many doors that I wouldn't know where to start.

"Hey, listen," I started, "Phil, you need to take me to Logan - "

"I am." Phil said shortly, looking straight ahead, walking so quickly I was stumbling trying to keep up. 

I perked up a little, but I was still perturbed at why he was so cold, and growing increasingly nervous. "Em - how's Da-"

Phil jerked me forwards so roughly that I nearly fell, his grip on my arm becoming painful as he dug in all his fingers. "Will you shut up?" he growled, and I fell silent, unsure of who I was talking to anymore. I probably could have gotten away from Phil - after all, there was only one of him - but there wasn't much point. There was no way I was escaping.

We turned suddenly to a bigger door and entered what looked like a temporary office. Logan was leaning against a dusty desk scanning through a book; he smelled like smoke like always and it immediately made me uneasy. Logan didn't look like a person you'd find in a place like this – he was clean shaven and well-groomed and rich, rich, rich; you'd know it just by looking at him. I knew he made more in a year in this line of work than most people made in their whole lives.

He put down the book and smiled, and Phil kept a tight hold on my arm. "Troye Sivan," Logan said, and I clenched my jaw. Every neuron in my brain was blaring with hatred for this lowlife in front of me, but I made an effort to remain civil and nodded slightly in response.

"Do you need something from me?" I asked carefully, and he pushed off of the desk and walked forwards. I found suddenly that I couldn't meet his eyes, and stared hard at the floor as he poked the pale birthmark of my cheek and laughed a little.

"We always need something from you."

For a minute I considered killing him; shaking Phil off and wrapping my bound arms around his neck and squeezing, but there wouldn't be much reason to it. Logan was one head on a hydra, and there were always more of him to take his place. Instead I bit my lip and tasted blood, and replied, "Will you let Tyler go?"

He stepped back and I dared to look up again. I saw the ice in his eyes when he said, "Now what would be the point in that? If we have your boyfriend we have you. And you're gonna to do whatever I say, all right?"

"I won't do anything you - "

Logan spun away from me and cut me off, speaking into his earpiece. "You can bring him in now." He smiled at me again, and then the door opened and Tyler fell into the room, a plastic tie so tight around his wrists that I thought they might be bleeding, shortly followed by Caspar, who I'd known pretty well back in the day. 

Fury blinded me. I scrambled towards Tyler, but Phil held me fast, pulling me back towards the wall as Tyler struggled to stand and looked up at me.

"Troye," he breathed, his eyes wide and frightened, so unlike his usual self that I fought even harder against Phil's hold. Caspar hauled Tyler to his feet and held his collar tightly. He, too, couldn't meet my eyes as Tyler pulled and coughed, struggling a little to breathe.

I turned my attention back to Logan, knowing he was the only one that could stop this now. "Logan he hasn't done anything, please -" My voice was high and cracking. I had vowed not to let my guard down, but it was impossible to remain stoic when I noticed the 

"Okay, that's enough." Logan ignored me and turned back to Caspar. "You can take him back now."

Tyler's eyes went even wider if it was possible, and he shook his head, reaching out for me as much as possible. I clawed at Phil's arm and made a noise like a feral animal, feeling my body start to shut down with fear.

Tyler started to struggle again as Caspar started to pull him out. "No, I need to stay with him  -" he began as I talked over him, shouting, "Don't you dare take him away from me - Tyler it's going to be okay, I promise I'll -"

One look from Logan and Caspar jammed his fingers into Tyler's side; Tyler doubled over, wheezing, and  the door swung shut behind both of them. I fell against Phil with a dry sob, wanting to just curl up and die. This was all my fault.

Logan came in close again and tipped my chin up with his forefinger. "Now are you gonna listen?" he asked softly, and I nodded, too scared for Tyler's well-being to even speak. 

The Good Life ~ Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now