one - troye

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I wasn't much, but he was everything.

Grey starlight made interesting patterns on his bare spine where he lay on his side on the bed, his ribs rising and falling evenly. He was turned away from me, but I knew his face would be slack and peaceful and appearing younger than he really was, the years stripped back like old wallpaper, even though he was older than me. In the half-light I could see the planes of his shoulder blades, the angular curve of his back; the vertebrae beneath his skin, like the spines of some forgotten creature.

I stood in the doorway, unable to bring myself to join him. The moonlight that made an angel of him made a monster of me, throwing shadows over my bowed frame, and my hands did not deserve his skin.

Still, like I always did, I gave in and lay down beside him. He was warm as a furnace, slow, steady burning heat against my body as he curled into me like a question mark. "Troye," he sighed, still half-asleep, "Troyeee."

"Tylerrrr." I copied, and pulled him closer. "Back to sleep."

Within seconds he was out like a light. I smiled into his hair and closed my eyes, pressing my face to the back of his head, trying to permanently ingrain his scent in my mind - but tonight was the first in a long, long time with him at my side that I didn't sleep as soundly as usual, and the moonlight was scaring the shit out of me.

Please leave me alone.

Really short first chapter sorry! Please promo tf out of this guys it would mean a lot :-)

Thanks for reading and pleade vote and comment if you enjoyed it

Bbbbbbye *wink*

The Good Life ~ Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now