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Darren's POV

'Alpha, we've got a rogue on our land.' A pack member on patrol mind links me. 'Small white she-wolf.'

'Take her to the cells. Don't let her escape.' I growl. Stupid rogues. I usually dealt with them myself, right away. But today I wasn't in the mood.

My father kept saying I should just take Ali to be my Luna. But I declined every time because I had to find my mate. But slowly I was losing hope. No one in my pack was my mate, no one in any neighbouring packs was either, I really looked. I really did.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I knew she was out there, but where? Ali walks into my office and I mentally groan. My cold look focuses on her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a run or something." The blonde smiles. Ali is beautiful, kind and would make a great Luna. But she's not my mate, I can't accept her. Besides, she would have a mate of her own out there.

"Ali, not right now," I growl. My dad was just pestering me about you. I mentally add.

"Well... I just wanted to say I found my mate. He's in another pack. I, uh, needed some permission to switch packs." Ali says quietly.

"Congratulations Ali. I'm really happy for you." Well, that's a lie, my straight face probably just added to that. "You have permission." I say simply.

"Thank you Alpha." She bows her head in respect before leaving the room.

'The rogue is in the cells Alpha.' My Beta, Erik, links. 'She's going a bit crazy. She keeps muttering not the Alpha.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' I snap through the link. Erik was really my only true friend. Him and my third, Wesley.

'I don't know but she won't talk. When we leave she says not the Alpha as soon as we show up again she stops talking, she gets all quiet. We have to get the pack doctor in here, when we got her she put up a fight.' Erik replies, something about his voice makes me think he likes this rogue. Blah, damned rogues.

'I'm going down soon. Get the pack doctor to tend to her injuries.' I say, trying to finish up some paper work.

I finally sign the last spot before pushing myself up from the desk.

'Darren we have a problem.' Erik links.

'What?' I growl.

'The pack doctor said she's having panic attacks, every time someone goes into the cell she starts bawling and screaming. I don't know man, she doesn't seem like your average rogue.' Erik replies.

'I'm heading down now.' I mutter a 'damned rogues' under my breath as I walk to the pack prison.

That's when the scent hits my nose. Vanilla is strongest, like a natural kind of vanilla. I speed that way, the scent... I know what that means. I know exactly what that means.

I walk up to the cell with the rogue, the pack doctor, Calder, and Erik are there. Along with Lilian, Erik's mate. They are all watching the girl inside.

I turn my gaze to where the scents emitting from. It's the rogue. Her skin though mostly covered in dirt is pale, like the dirt layer protects her from the sun. Matted brown hair is a nest against her head and big blue fearful eyes look up at me.

The panic she has causes me to wince, she presses herself as best she can in a corner, tears starting to stream crazily down her cheeks. I open the cell and walk up to her while she desperately tries to get away.

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