1.3M 40.1K 9.1K

Ugh this chapter is really short. I'm sorry. My goal is 2000+ words per chapter. This one is at like 1000 -.- But I really had to get a chapter out so here you go!


Darren's POV

Seeing Blaire all cleaned up was amazing. She's the most beautiful woman anyone could every lay their eyes on, yet, Blaire didn't see it. Though, Lilian had said some alarming things when she was washing her. Like, you could see every bone in her body.

That was tremendously upsetting.

I look over at her, she's leaning away from me, her brown waves falling towards the ground as she leans over the arm of the couch.

This is what angered me. She wouldn't come close to me without crying! I am her mate! Her one and only! Here to protect her and love her and please her. How did she not know what mates are?

"Blaire?" I ask and her gaze, which had been on the grandfather clock that I never really liked, turns over to me. "Would you like to watch a movie?"

She seems to think it over before she nods. I nod and turn the TV on, going to Netflix. A bit worried Blaire would get scared if I put anything too crazy on, I choose an animated movie.

Megamind seems appropriate for her.

Her eyes are fixed on the screen as she watches. And though I catch her stealing a few glances in my direction, she seems quite interested in the movie. I don't care for it much, most of the time I just watch her.

Now clean, Blaire glowed. She had this beauty she didn't even know she had. I wonder how long it's been since she looked in a mirror... I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking of something I wanted to do with her.

Little Blaire is my everything. I want to show that to her. I want her to know I'm not a threat, I'm her mate.
I'm here to love her. I want her to know it. And little by little, I'll show it.

I realize how hard it will be. Blaire feared most everyone and everything. Though, I have a feeling she's comfortable with girls more so than men. Let's make a list of things I shouldn't do around her. I feed the list to my wolf as I make it.

Don't growl, it freaks her out every time. Don't yell, you'll probably break her. Don't touch her, or at least, don't grab her hand or arm or anything. Don't use your alpha tone, then she'll be all submissive and start to cry.

I clench my hands into fists. This will be so difficult. This girl has me whipped and she doesn't even try.

At one point in the movie, Blaire shed a few tears. Which I desperately wanted to wipe away, but I couldn't get any closer. The movie ends shortly after and Blaire stands and stretches out before sitting back down.

"Blaire... Will you, uh, come with me please?" I ask, scared she'd say no. Blaire stands and I let out a sigh of relief, standing as well. "Follow me."

I make sure she stays behind me the whole time. I didn't want her running again. I go up the stairs as slow as I need to be so I'm at the same pace as her. She kept pausing to catch her breath and she shook her head when I came close to pick her up. Once upstairs, I walk to one of the guest rooms that has a closet with a mirror on it.

"Ready Blaire?" I ask.

She frowns, confusion slipping over her face. I walk in front of the mirror and gesture her over. She walks over but her gaze is on me, that is, until she catches her reflection. Blaire turns quickly, facing herself.

She stares at herself for maybe five minutes and I watch her reaction. Finally she brings a hand up and she runs it through her wavy brown hair which was at her waist. Then Blaire smiles. This brilliant beautiful smile that I could look at all day. Perfect teeth despite her being a rogue all that time gleamed as she twirls in front of the mirror.

"You're beautiful Blaire." I say quietly and her gaze breaks away from the mirror and flickers over to me, only for a moment and then she turns back to the mirror to admire herself.

I sit on the bed and watch her. After about 20 minutes she finally turns away like she had now seen enough of herself.

"You have to get ready for bed." I say, looking at my watch. Nine would be a good bedtime for her. I can always make it earlier if I have to. She stands there, looking a little panicked.

I stand up and motion for her to follow. I go to my room and get a tshirt which is too big on me out for her to sleep in.

I look back at her and she is standing in the door way, looking panicked and awkward. "Come here Blaire." I sigh frustratedly. She does so. "Do you need help with your clothes?" She shakes her head no so I hand her the shirt.

I turn to give her a sense of privacy before hearing a little thud and a very soft gasp. I turn sharply to see Blaire already in the shirt that came to mid thigh for her but kneeling to pick up something she had knocked off the table.

I tilt my head as she looks at the picture of myself and my sister before putting it down.

"Where do... I sleep?" Blaire inquires.

"My bed." I reply.

"But..." She frowns. Clearly she didn't want to.

"I won't be sleeping in the same bed." I explain.

She climbs onto the bed and gets under the covers, instead of taking the middle though, she curls up on one side in a little ball. I sigh. Oh Blaire.

I watch her for a moment before taking the couch again. Though this time, I can't fall asleep. My mind too focused on the little one who won't let me close to her.

I look over at her, she's fast asleep. Maybe I can... I walk over and climb into the bed. I pull her right next to me, keeping my arms around her. Feeling better, I fall asleep soon after

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