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So... It's over. It's actually over. *starts bawling* 

Thank you all so much for reading and being on this journey with me for this story! It's absolutely incredible to think 2M reads? 100k votes? Like, that's absolutely amazing! And I can't thank you all enough! <3

I encourage you all to read the sequel, Alpha Raphael, which the first chapter is already up! It will follow Blaire's daughter and her journey with her mate. Although you will get to see Blaire and Darren throughout!

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments! I will gladly answer!

Now... It's time for you all to read the last 'chapter', in a sense, of this amazing story! <3


Blaire's POV

"You think he's going to be happy?" I ask Darren, my hand resting on his chest.

"Aubrey's happy with everything. He has so much of you in him." Darren chuckles.

I close my eyes, waiting for Aubrey to come bounding in the room every morning demanding food.

"How much longer until we get our visit?" I smile.

"About ten more minutes." Darren replies.

I lean up and peck his lips. "I'm so excited."

"Me too." He chuckles, holding me close.

Little feet come running down the hall, I guess he's a little early this morning. Our son comes clambering onto our bed and sits on the end.

"Food mummy!" Aubrey demands.

"And since when does mummy make food?" I laugh. His gaze turns to Darren.

"Breakfast." He says and Darren chuckles.

"And what do you and mummy want this morning?" Darren asks him, sitting up in bed.

"What do you want mummy?" Aubrey's blue eyes flick over to mine.

"Fruit Loops!" I smile.

"You have Fruit Loops every morning." Aubrey whines, falling back. "Have pancakes with me?"

I purse my lips. "I guess I can have pancakes with you." I tickle is sides.

Darren walks out and heads into the kitchen. Soon Aubrey and I follow. As always, refusing to take my hand going down the steps because he can do it himself. I needed help when I tackled stairs again, Aubrey just went at it without us even realizing.

He climbs up onto a stool and we wait for Darren to finish the pancakes.

After eating, which I eat quickly because I'm excited to show Aubrey.

"Aubrey..." I smile once he's done too.

"Yes?" He looks over, I notice his brown hair is nice and messy with his bedhead.

"We have something for you!" I giggle.

"What is it?" Aubrey asks curiously, looking at Darren who places a present in front of him. Slowly Aubrey pulls the tissue paper out and then the shirt.

He looks at it, his face scrunched in confusion, trying to read what's on the shirt.

"Can you tell what it says?" I smile a little as Darren pulls the bag away.

"B-Big... Bro... Bro..." He struggles.

"Big," I drag my finger across the word as I read it. "Brother." I say the other one.

Aubrey stares at it for a moment before his little blue eyes widen. "I'm a big brother!?"

"Yes." Darren chuckles.

"Mummy has a baby in there!?" Aubrey points to my stomach. "You have a baby in there?"

"Yeah, I have a baby in there." I smile. "Are you excited?"

Aubrey claps and jumps in his seat. "Yes! I'm a big brother!" Then he gasps. "Is it a boy? What if it's a girl?"

"This is my favourite part!" I exclaim, going to the fridge and pulling out a chocolate cake. Inside there was a coloured bit in the middle for the baby's gender reveal.

This would be the first time Darren would be hearing about the gender as well. I didn't tell him because I wanted to surprise both my boys. I got Lilian to help me make the cake since I can't really bake or cook myself.

"The middle bit has a colour," I smile excitedly, mostly because I get to eat the cake after.

Darren's eyes widen. "I thought that was just a normal cake..."

I giggle and hand Darren a knife. Aubrey bounces up and down excitedly. "I'm gonna be a big brother!"

"Ready to see if you're having a baby brother or baby sister?" I smile.

Aubrey nods and Darren takes my hand, squeezing it gently. He cuts into the cake and as soon as they see the pink both my boys are ecstatic.

Darren wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and Aubrey keeps going on about how he's going to be a good brother. How he'll take care of his sister.

"We're having a baby girl Blaire." He smiles widely and kisses all over my face.

"Can you let go of me so I can go get the picture?" I raise an eyebrow.

Darren is quick to let go and I laugh, going to grab the picture from the ultrasound. I hand it to Darren who shows Aubrey as well.

I take the piece of cake that had been cut and start to eat, watching them discuss the picture. They both just radiate this happiness, and it's quite contagious.

"I think we should go out for ice cream today to celebrate," Darren says to Aubrey. "How's that sound?"

Aubrey nods excited. "I'll have cake and ice cream today?"

"Yes. Because today is a special day." Darren replies.

"A very special day." I smile, taking Darren's hand and holding it tightly. I don't think I'll ever forget the happiness my boys held today. When they realized our family was growing one girl bigger.

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