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IM SORRY ITS A LITTLE SHORT BUT I THINK THIS CHAPTER IS CUTE OKAY! Like, Blaire is growing up so fast. And it's just a cute chapter to show how they bond. :3

Three things!

One, Darcy's Talk has been posted on the 'Contest Entries, Short Stories and Bonus Chapters' book! So go look at that.

Two, I'm excited to say, I posted a new book! It's called Undercover Bad Girl. I'd really appreciate if you all went and read it, the first chapter is out!

Three, this book is slowly coming to an end and I want to cry because I love this book so much omg. But, the good news, I've already decided there will be a sequel to this book!

Any ways, there's my announcements out of the way! Here's the chapter! Points to you if you know what book he's reading to her at the end of this chapter. ;)


Blaire's POV

I sit bolt upright. Something's wrong, something's very wrong. I can feel it.

"Darren!" I yell, realizing he isn't next to me, and it's a moment before he's there.

"What's wrong?" He asks, he sounds tense and anxious and angry.

"Something bad happened." I whisper.

Darren nods. "Something did." He says softly. "Get dressed, hurry."

I do so, pulling on the first pieces of clothing I can grab. My mind races, what happened? Why do I feel like I lost something? Why does Darren look so sad? What's going on?

I slip my shoes on and run downstairs where Darren is waiting. He takes my hand and we walk out together. We go to the pack doctors, though I don't understand why. Did something happen to Claire!? Or Calder?

We walk in and there's already quite a lot of people here. They're gathered in the waiting room, some in their pajamas, others in robes, some fully dressed. But they all look sad.

"Darren? What's going on." I whisper as we walk past the people. We stop in front of a door to one of the rooms.

"Blaire, whatever you see in there, don't think it's your fault. It's not." Darren says slowly.

"My fault? What's going on Darren!" I exclaim, my heart starting to race as my mind tries to come up with ideas but comes up blank. All I know is something bad is behind that door. I can hear crying behind that door. I can smell blood behind that door. I'm scared of what's behind that door.

Darren opens it and I walk in very slowly.

On the bed, Lyn lies. The girl I beat up earlier. She must've been here because of what I did... Her stomach is ripped open, her insides spilling everywhere. I turn around, not able to look at the scene anymore, my stomach feels funny. On the wall in blood, Lyn's blood, there's big capital letters of 'TIC TOCK.'

Two people, a man and a woman who look older, are holding each other. Looking at Lyn. The woman looks over at me and Darren.

"I know she wasn't the nicest girl," she whispers. "But my baby never deserved this..." She looks back at Lyn. "She never deserved this."

Darren takes me home after I throw up. The smell and just the sight made me sick. We sit together in bed as I cry into his shoulder.

He rubs my back gently. "It's okay baby." He says softly. "It's okay."

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