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Okay time to clear up some confusion! Many of you seem to not understand the period/heat deal. Lemme explain.
Every writer has a different kind of werewolf. Sure, they all share the same basis, but some have drastic heats, some have no heat, some have periods, some don't, some have wolves that talk to them and have names, others they have the wolf come out only when they're mad or shifted. Every writer creates a different werewolf! And I've made mine how I've made mine. I hope you mythical people's can accept that.

Furthermore, I would like to say if you have any questions about the story, please do ask! If they are common I'll answer them in the authors note of the next chapter, if not, I'll reply to your comment.

Now, I'd also like to know, how am I progressing with Blaire? Is she warming up to Darren to fast? And do you think that I should have made her a little more fearful of Jace?

Well, on with the chapter! Sorry for that longer authors note!


Blaire's POV

Waking up, I feel awfully disoriented. Not on the couch anymore, but instead in bed. Darren is sleeping on the other side of the bed with this barricade of pillows between us. Like that would stop him.

I slide out of bed and walk downstairs. Wanting something to drink, my mouth feels dry and sticky. It's really icky. In my head it sounds funny.

I find a glass and then use the tap, struggling to figure out how to turn it on, to fill it. Sipping on the water, I turn around and almost drop my glass as I jump. Darcy is standing right there.

"Boo." She whispers.

"Mean." I whisper back.

"No, it's 'that's mean.' Or you call me a name like 'meaner' or 'meanie' or something." Darcy corrects.

I look at her blankly.

"Did you know there is a pool in your backyard?" Darcy smiles. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"I... Can't." I frown.

"Oh... Well, I'm going to. I'm gonna grab a towel. Wait outside for me okay?"

I nod. "Okay. Wait... Why... You up?" That didn't sound right. "Are you up?" I correct. That sounded good!

"I'm a bit of an insomniac, any way, I'll be right back!" Darcy leaves to get her towel.

I walk outside to see the pool for myself. It's quite nice, I walk around it. There's another small pool attached to it, but it's covered and it's higher up. I stand on the edge of the deep end, looking down curiously. My wolf could maybe swim, but I knew I couldn't.

I sigh and turn to walk away when two strong hands push me into the deep.

I flail around desperately as I start to sink. No... No no no! I try as hard as I can to get back up to the surface but it doesn't work. When I had fallen in, I had taken in water and now my lungs burn. I cough, sending more water into my lungs and I desperately try to swim up. Please...

And then my world goes black.

There's a little while of a perfect silence. It's kind of nice. And then there's hand on me and cold air hitting me and I'm laid on the ground.

"DARREN!" Darcy voice shrieks. "JACE!"

And then there's pounding on my chest. It hurts a lot.

"Blaire, gods damn it Blaire, you said you couldn't swim! Why did you try!?" Darcy exclaims. "DARREN!" She shrieks again.

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