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Any way, this is my last week before exams. Ah I'm so panicky.

Enjoy the chapter!


Blaire's POV

It's been two days. The meetings are boring and long. The meals are loud and rowdy. The alphas are becoming less scary. And Darcy is trying to teach me to swim.

There is this meeting where the Luna's don't have to go, and so Darcy forced me into a swim suit. We went into the shallow bit of the pool where Darcy is teaching me to swim.

She didn't tell Darren either.

It's easy but I accidentally swallowed a bunch of water. The pool has a few other Luna's, laying on floaty thingies or sleeping in chairs. Or, they look like they're sleeping. Violet, Darren's sister, joins Darcy and I. That means James is here! So why haven't I seen him?

Violet and Darcy talk about some things I don't know as I try swimming back and forth across the pool without touching the bottom.

Soon, after I've gotten the hang of it, when Darcy isn't paying attention, I climb out of the pool. I walk to the deep side and look down... It certainly is deep.

"Blaire, what do you think you're doing?" Comes Darren's voice.

I'm gonna swim. I jump in and it's a moment that I'm disoriented before I resurface. I didn't realize how easy it is. I look over at Darcy and Violet who have wide eyes. There's a little splash beside me and then Darren pops up.

I put my hands on his shoulders, growing tired quickly.

"I don't want you to ever swim without me. Okay?" Darren says, looking... worried? Concerned?

"Okay." I reply quietly.

He swims us back into the shallow end where he walks with me out of the water. Other alphas starting to join their mates at the pool. I watch Jace sit on one of the chairs, looking over at Darcy. Darren wraps a towel around my shoulders as I watch Darcy climb out of the pool and stretch, showing off many muscles in the plain black bathing suit she's wearing. Darcy had lots of muscles, like Darren. She's very strong. I glance back at Jace who looks uncomfortable. I frown in confusion but Darren pulls me away.

"We're going to get you cleaned up. Tomorrow is the last meeting okay? Then we can go home." Darren says.

"Home." I sigh happily.

"Yes," Darren nods. "Home."

We take the elevator to our room and Darren tells me to take a shower and wash my hair. He ends up washing my hair for me since apparently the first time I didn't do a very good job. But he doesn't come in the shower, just stands outside it. His eyes turned black at one point which I pointed out and he just brushed it off.

When I climb out, Darren wraps a towel around me and walks out quickly. He tosses me some pajamas but I don't put them on. I'm too hot. The summer was ending but it was very hot outside and inside the hotel. I put on my underwear and walk out, plopping down into the bed.

"Blaire," Darren groans. "Is it really that hot?"

"Yes!" I reply. "You sleep... With no shirt! So... I can!"

"Fair point." He mumbles.

"Goodnight Darren." I yawn.

Darren comes over and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight angel."

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