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It's a little short, and I'm sorry I skipped so much time. But holy shit I'm in love with this chapter!

I won't be able to update anymore this week because I have exams to study for and write! I'm super nervous because one, I haven't written an exam before, two, I'm pretty lost in all my subjects at this point. Lmao. I should update next weekend and the following days.

Any way, on with the story!


Blaire's POV

Another two weeks went by. Boring days most of the time. They're spent with Luke who makes them better. I've had more than enough time and now I've processed everything I've been given. Luke even taught me to use a phone, they're fun.

But the more days spent with Luke, the more I miss Darren. He's always busy. Sometimes I'll overhear him talking about rogues, but I don't ask. But he's just always busy and I really just want him for myself.

That's very selfish of me. But I do.

I leave Luke to go to the bathroom. I do my business to find myself needing Darren. I try the mind link, Darren had been teaching me to work with it. I could block everyone out now, but talking to Darren could be difficult.

'What's wrong baby?' Darren answers.

'Um... It's my...' I can feel my cheeks heat up, even though he's not even here. 'Time of the month.'

'I'll be home in a second.' Darren promises.

I don't want to tell Luke. I just want help from Darren.

It feels like forever before there is a knock on the door. "Hey angel, come on out. You can go to our bathroom and take a shower. Then the rest of the day will just be the two of us."

I walk out, Darren is holding a bag which he hands to me.

"I really hope Darcy taught you how to use these things because I have no idea." Darren says awkwardly.

I laugh and walk upstairs. Taking a shower and getting dressed, eager to spend the rest of the day with Darren. I'll get him all to myself! 

I walk out, he's waiting on the bed. I walk up and throw my arms around him. "Hullo Darren." I murmur, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"Hello Blaire." Darren replies, wrapping his arms around me in return.

"I missed you." I sigh.

"I missed you too baby." Darren replies.

"Do you have to go to... Alpha duties... every day?"

"Yes. I do."

"Take a few days... Off, for me!"

"Why don't you come visit me?"

"I can?"

"Of course."

"I will." I promise. There's a silence before Darren speaks up.

"Come on, you hungry? We have cake."


The next few days are just bad. Darren stays with me because, well, for one I asked him to. And, my tummy has been really hurting.

Darcy wasn't kidding when she said it would hurt.

But three days, it's done. All done. Thank you. But, it means Darren has to go back to work. I try to pretend I still have it, but Darren knows better. He kisses my cheek before leaving me with Luke.

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