Not so Expected Visitors

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               True to his words, Lav focused on practicing his violin. He would lock himself in his hotel room all morning and would only go out during the night. It was still very mysterious for the both of them that miracle would only happen whenever the sun is out. Lav would take Keith to different places every night.

            Keith was happy to spend every time he had with Lav. And seeing Lav all too excited was something that made him even gladder. He didn’t thought that it was possible to love someone more and more each day, but that’s exactly what he was feeling for Lav. It was also great that Lav had seemed to forget what happened the night the miracle happened. Keith wanted him just to forget such ugly memory.

            It was only a few days before the contest, and the two of them was out in the park for a breath of fresh air after a hard day of practicing. Everything was going so well until Lav saw three familiar figures. “It’s them…” He said in a shaky voice.

            Keith looked at the direction where Lav was looking and saw the three men who harassed him. Keith got worried and held Lav’s hand tight. But to his surprise, Lav didn’t look sacred at all. Instead, Lav looked very angry. Lav tried to walk towards the three, and Keith knew that he would do something crazy to get back at those three. “Lav, don’t… You might just get into trouble. You might get hurt.” He said as he held Lav’s hand tighter.

            “I just can’t let them get away with what they tried to do to me.” Lav sounded very angry. “They should be taught a lesson. I’ll make them regret what they did.” Keith couldn’t angry more. He was angry himself, and hearing Lav that angry made him even more furious at those people.

            “Just what would you do? When they attacked you that night, they easily overpowered you. What made you think that you could handle them now?” Keith was angry. He was angry that Lav would not even think of his own safety. He was angry on how easily Lav could put himself into danger. But most of all, he was angry because he wouldn’t be able to handle it, if anything happens to Lav.

            “I have you.” Lav said. “That’s why I am sure that I wouldn’t get hurt this time.” Keith saw how serious Lav looked. There was no stopping him anymore. But mostly Lav’s words got him really bad. Hearing Lav say those words just made him feel responsible for him.

            Keith was defeated by the determination in Lav’s eyes. “Fine, but you’ll have to wait until they’re somewhere crowded, that way, they wouldn’t be able to do anything.” Keith said strictly.

            “Why can’t we just get to them now? We could handle them. I would psyche them up and then you beat the hell out of them.” Lav said bravely.

            “Or they could run. Or worse; they beat the hell out of us even before you could open your mouth. It’s three against two, Lav.” Keith said. He wasn’t confident that he could handle all three of them. He didn’t want Lav to fight either. Lav was just too frail.

            “Fine I get it.” Lav said, defeated. “We’ll follow them until they get somewhere crowded then I’ll make them pay.” He said with a smile. That smile made Keith very uneasy. He could just tell that Lav was already planning something. He couldn’t say no to Lav, he couldn’t stop him, because honestly, Keith wanted to make those men pay as well. Maybe even more than Lav does.

            They followed the three men for a while. Keith felt like an undercover police of some sort. They made a breakthrough when the three men went in a convenience store and met a woman. Keith and Lav saw the three men arguing with the woman before accepting an envelope from her. The envelope was filled with money for sure.

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