Not so Loyal of a Lover

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              "You know, your face is really deceiving." Keith said while he walked beside Laverne. "You look so innocent, but there are many scary things running in your head."

            "And you should be thankful about that." Laverne said confidently. "With my innocent face we could make anyone do almost anything for us. Who could deny helping an innocent boy anyway? But of course, we should also think our steps carefully we couldn't be rash and impulsive, and that's where my sharp mind comes into play." He continued.

            "Wow, you sure are used to using you face to your advantage." Keith said. "But, don't you think, that's too deceitful?" Keith was really finding Laverne amusing.

            "Not at all." Laverne replied with a stoic tone. "Now, could you stop asking me all this questions, we're about to meet Evan." He said then removed his phone from his ear.

            Laverne opened the door of the diner and waited for Keith to get in first. It was such a nice gesture for Keith. It felt good not to be treated differently. Laverne's lover, Evan was waiting on a booth at the far end of the diner. Keith figures that Evan picked that spot so they couldn't be easily seen.

            Keith was actually quite nervous. he still didn't know what Laverne was planning. He shouldn't have easily agreed on making Cara regret crossing Laverne. The way Laverne said it was simply chilling. How could a face like that talk frighteningly? He thought.

            "Did you sleep well?" Evan asked when Laverne sat down.

            Keith noticed that Laverne was avoiding Evan's eyes. He must be afraid to get swayed by Evan in that situation. "Not really." Laverne said coldly.

            "Are you angry? I thought that everything is fine between us." Sliding his hand on the table, Evan tried to hold Laverne's hand, but Laverne moved his own hand away.

            "We both know that I'm not innocent or ignorant, those petty tricks won't work on me." Laverne said sternly. "Tell me honestly, what's going on between you and Cara?" Laverne asked with sharp eyes.

            "Nothing's going on between us. Everyone else just assumed that we're an item, that's all. Believe me, Laverne. I would never betray you." Surprisingly, Evan's eyes showed no sign of deceit. He seemed so sincere. Laverne still looked very irritated, he still wasn't looking at Evan.

            "Really, nothing? That's not what I saw." Laverne said sternly. "If there's really nothing between you, then she wouldn't act that way with you. She's all over you." Laverne said with furious eyes. "If there's nothing between the two of you, then you wouldn't let her act that way with you." Laverne added sharply.

            "I can't really tell her off in front of everyone else. That would be really ungentlemanly. Imagine how much it would hurt her feelings." Evan said. That reasoning irritated Keith.

            "What a great excuse!" Keith reacted angrily. He couldn't believe how big of a jerk Evan was. He was obviously trying to cover things up.

            "Then I'll tell her off. I'll make her go away for you. You don't have any problems with that, do you?" Laverne asked, but Evan couldn't even answer. "Forget it, I'll do it anyways."

"I love you, Laverne." Evan suddenly said.

            Laverne suddenly looked up. He was blushing. HE was very surprised at first but a few seconds later he was already near tears. He simply looked very happy. He did it. Keith thought.

My not so Innocent Love [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now