Not so Good Omens

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              “What are you doing?” Keith hissed angrily at Evan. “Aren’t you letting go?” He added when he pulled Lav closer to him. He was so angry that Evan was trying to take Lav away. The reason didn’t matter to him; he won’t let Evan to even get Lav alone.

            “Stay out of this, this between and him.” Evan hissed angrily back as he pulled Lav again.

            “Wow… lucky you…” Melanie said as she took another shot of her drink. She wasn’t drunk yet, but she sure sound like one. “No matter how entertaining this is to me…” She said suddenly. “…you’re both hurting Lav. So could you stop it already?” She asked seriously.

            “I can’t let this continue.” Evan said. “Are you really out of your mind? You’ve been here for what, a month, and you’re already living with random guy you just met.” Evan sounded very angry. Keith became furious. He didn’t like the way Evan was making him the villain, also, he didn’t like being called a random guy. He was not just a random guy; he is the man that Lav chose.

            “Who I chose to date and to live with is none of your business.” Lav said coldly. “And Keith is not just a random guy, he is the man I love.” He said as he looked at Evan. Keith was really happy to hear Lav say that in public. He felt proud and more smitten.

            Evan looked shocked, he almost let go of Lav. “Love? We just broke up and you’re saying that you’re already in love with someone else.” Evan sounded very shock.

            “Why? Can’t I do that? When we’re still together, you were kissing someone else and you even introduced her as your lover to all of your friends. At least I have the decency to fall in love with someone else after we broke up.” Lav said as he tried to get away from Evan’s grip.

            Keith moved closer. What he heard was enough. He stood up and took hold of Lav and Evan’s hand and then pulled them apart. He stood between Lav and Evan as glared at Evan with fiery eyes. “Get lost.” He hissed.

            “Don’t get too confident about yourself.” Evan hissed back. “Do you think that Laverne really loves you?” He asked mockingly. “I wouldn’t count on it. Stop confusing him, stop using him in your games, and don’t you dare lay your hands on him.” Evan said.

            “When you cheated on him, you already lost the right to worry about him in that way.” Keith said confidently. He wouldn’t lose to Evan.

            “I would get you back.” Evan said as he looked at Lav pass Keith. “I realized that I can’t lose you at all. I can’t take seeing you with someone else. I want you to myself, I want you back. I…” Keith knew what Evan was going to say next but he had enough. He won’t let anyone else say those words to Lab but him.

            He held Evan by the collar and then glared at him. “Just get lost.” He hissed angrily and then pushed Evan away.

            Evan looked angry. He was about to fight back when Lav suddenly stood up. He held Keith by the shoulder and then turned him around. And then to everyone’s surprised, he kissed Keith. “Is that enough of an answer for you?” He asked Evan seriously. Evan didn’t say anything else and just left.

            “That’s a bold move.” Melanie said proudly. “We really are cousins.” She said and then drank a glass of beer. “But I don’t think Evan would give up that easily. I know him, he is really persistent, and he would never stop until he gets the result he wants. And the result that he wants right now is to get you back. You two better watch out.” She said.

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