Not so Wanted Nostalgia

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            “Don’t tell me you’re having doubts now.” Laverne said as he saw the confused and problematic expression on Keith’s face. He couldn’t blame Keith for feeling that way, after everything that Evan said. “You’re not deceiving me, and you’re definitely not hurting me, Keith. I chose to be with you on my own. And let’s face it; I’m not that innocent to be deceived by anyone.”

            Keith continued on looking at him quite hesitantly. Laverne knew that what he said wasn’t enough to quell Keith’s worries. “Am I really making you happy?” Keith asked. “Is it really alright for me to stay by your side?”

            Laverne could only sigh at the sight of the worried Keith. “Sit here, I want to show you something.” Laverne said and then made Keith sat in front of the controls of the recording booth. “When I give you the signal, press this button.” Laverne said and he still saw a glint of worry in Keith’s eyes.

            “What are you going to do?” Keith asked in the microphone as Laverne was preparing inside the booth.

            “I finished the song that I’ve been working on for years.” Laverne replied with a reassuring smile. “I want you to listen to it.”

            “Why do you have to be there, then? I want to listen to it with you by my side.” Keith insisted, he looked kind of sad.

            Laverne wanted to make Keith happy. He knew that granting Keith’s request would make Keith a little bit happier, but Laverne had a better plan. “I need to be inside this booth, because I’m going to sing it to you.” He said with a bright smile.

            “You’re going to sing it to me…?” Keith repeated, a little bit confused.

            “Yes… It’s been five years since I last sang, and you’re going to be the first one to hear my singing voice after all these years.” Laverne said.

            A glint of happiness appeared in Keith’s eyes. “You’re going to sing again, for me.” He said happily. “And I’m going to be the first one to hear you sing again…” He continued in a smug tone and proud tone. “Somehow that makes me fell very special.”

            “It’s because you are very special to me.” Laverne replied with a bright smile. “Listen to the lyrics carefully, because that’s exactly what I am feeling for you.” He said and then smiled.

            Keith pressed the play button and the music started to play. And few seconds later, Laverne started to sing. His voice was the same as always, it was simply beautiful. He was engrossed in singing his feelings, it was a song that he wrote for five long years, and the finished product was truly a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

            The song talked about how he longed for someone like Keith, how he thought he would never find the one destined for him until Keith came along. The song itself was a declaration for his undying true love for Keith. It was song he wrote for the Keith five years ago and the Keith he had met again.

            “How is it?” Laverne asked when he finished singing.

            Keith stood up, his eyes were wide. Laverne asked him again but he remained silent. Without saying anything, Keith walked inside the booth and then embraced Laverne as tight as he could. The hug was tight and yet very loving.

            “I never knew you had such angelic singing voice…” Keith said lovingly as he slowly moved away. “It seems that your face is not the only angelic thing about you.” He said with a big bright smile.

My not so Innocent Love [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now