Not so Distant Dream

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            “What do you think you’re doing?” Laverne said as he pushed Evan away. “After all this years, you come here and tell me you miss me. What, do you think I would happily hug you back and say the same thing?” He said irritated. “Do you think I would be happy to hear that you are willing to leave everything away for me, after you have thrown me away years ago? Did you forget, things between us ended in that summer?” He added.

            “Why are you so angry?” Evan asked. “Isn’t this what you wanted, for me to throw everything away for you? I am willing to do that now, aren’t you happy?” Evan tried to come closer to Laverne again, but Laverne pushed him away again. “Why, are you still in love with that guy you met five years ago? He’s already gone, why can’t you move on?”

            “Then, why can’t you move on from me?” Laverne said sarcastically. “Evan, please don’t do this. We already agreed to just be friends, don’t ruin it by forcing your feelings on me.” Laverne said pleadingly.

            “We didn’t agree on that, you decided that for yourself.” Evan said persistently. “I still like you, I still want you, and I promise, this time will be different, and this time I would never betray you.”

            “My feelings still haven’t change. For me, you’re just a friend, and you’ll always be just a friend.” Laverne said and then turned around. He froze on his feet in shock when he saw Keith watching them with very furious eyes. “Did you hear everything?” Laverne asked sacredly. He didn’t want Keith to have the wrong the idea, he was afraid of what Keith might think, and most importantly he was afraid that Evan might recognize Keith. Laverne didn’t know how to explain everything, he didn’t know how he would make sense to anyone that his lover Keith that died years ago became his very healthy stepbrother after five years.

            “It looks like I’m interrupting something very important. I’ll leave the two of you then.” Keith said carefully in a very hard tone, he sounded a bit angry.  Keith had a very sharp look in his eyes before he turned away.

            “Please Evan, just go for now.” Laverne said pleading to Evan. He wanted to follow Keith as soon as possible. That expression on Keith’s eyes was really making him feel worried and nervous.

            “I understand, but I will come back. For you. I would not give up, Laverne.” Evan said and Laverne could see the decisiveness in his eyes.

            Laverne didn’t waste any time and followed Keith. He saw Keith on their bar, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. “You’re drinking?” He asked curiously and worriedly. Keith rarely drinks without a reason, and so Laverne became really curious as to why Keith was drinking that time.

            “Why are you here, what about your visitor?” Keith asked as he drank. “You shouldn’t leave your guest.” Keith’s tone was filled with contempt.

            “Evan left already.” Laverne explained in a calm tone as he approached Keith.

            “Who would have thought that you are close to Evan Richards? You were actually in an intimate relationship with an NFL superstar. That would be a big scoop, a big scandalous scoop.” Keith said in an irritated tone and then drank the whole glass.

            “What are you angry, the fact that I dated him or the fact that I was in love with another man?” Laverne asked. He was afraid to what Keith’s response would be.

            “In love… you were in love with him?” Keith suddenly became much more irritated. Laverne’s statement seemingly made everything worse. “I thought it was just some summer fling, but you actually loved him.” Keith said as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.

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