Spy Agent Romeo

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Hiya! Soz this took so long to update - i was really busy. anyway, please enjoy this Chap of Dragon Season and a massive shout out to tailzb for her awesome book about highschool werewolves. I LOVES IT, ahem into the story.

>////< Wendy's POV >////<


what is he doing here? does he own this house? but his scent isn't in here, although, he doesn't seem to have any scent at all!! and i didn't hear him come up behind us! Wait, maybe he is immune to the effects of Dragon Season? or well, that'll mean Dragon Slayers - period.

i could basically feel everyone tensed up, except for Laxus, who actually smirked.

"Finally! Where have you been? Guess who i brought along- " Laxus pointed behind him, at Natsu and Gajeel, "oh, and how have you been by the way?"

Laxus was extra friendly with Jellal, which worried me. he wasn't even friendly with his friends, plus Jellal isn't even a Fairy Tail member. I think.
"Been good, thanks." JELLAL said in that deep voice of his. I reaaaaaaaallly don't trust him.

(^-^) lucys POV (^-^)

After the incident with Natsu, our team started to walk home. Natsu said good bye to us. And we were walking the opposite direction. How very unfairy tail like.

"What now?" Asked Romeo.

"Let's just get back to the guild-" Gray answered. I guess he was still shocked, with the way he was walking. Didn't even care that Juvia was on his arm.

"NO! What now?!? We're not going to just give up!" Romeo shouted, he looked around the group longingly.

"Sorry Romeo, but we're just going to have to trust Natsu." Mira said sadly.

"Fine then! I'm going by myself!" Romeo was stubborn, kinda like Natsu. He ran off back towards the forest.

"Romeo!" Shouted Erza. But he was too far gone.

Damn, that boy obviously takes after Natsu. And he has the smarts of his dad. We continued walking home. The 14-year-old can take after himself.

( how old is he even?)

As we walked through the guild gates, I felt unsettled. Like something big was about to happen. I suddenly became worried for Romeo's safety, thinking back to the books levy and I read. 'Second the gain' - that must be talking about the dragon like features appearing on the Dragon Slayers. Right, 'third the vanish' - that is happening right now! Our friends are... um... yeah, vanishing.

Happy never remembered the last one. The last stage. But I need to know if I'm going to help Natsu. I speed walk over to the master, who was frantically looking for something around the guild.

"Whats wrong Master?" I ask the old man.

"I'm looking for a stone that will help us stop the Dragon Slayers from becoming Dragons!" He told me. I looked at him in shock. The Master never said anything about them actually turning into the beasts themselves. That must be the last part of the info Happy was telling me.

I noticed that the Master was getting frustrated.

"Uhm, Master, how do you know that they will turn into Dragons?" I asked, now starting to look for the stone thingy.

"Last time Dragon Season happened, Laxus was the only Dragon Slayer to change, and he destroyed a whole town! Poor boy had no idea what he did afterwards either." He said and pulled up a floor board. I had no idea that there was hidden things under that guild.

The Master pulled out a blackish box from the floor board and pull it on the table next to him. We got up from the floor and stood in front of the box.

"This," he said, "is the key to stopping the dragon slayers"

!O_O! Romeo's POV !O_O!

I kept on running towards the centre of the forest. It was getting dark and I haven't seen any signs of my friends. and I swear I've seen that tree before. The animals in this forest were starting to wake up and start their day. I slowed down to a steady walk and looked around me. there wasn't anybody in sight!

"Hello!?!" I screamed out. "Anybody!"

I guess I wasn't looking where I was going because I stumbled and fell down a crater. A massive crater! I wonder what could of made it? Meh, I'm way to busy right now/

I get up and look around. Continuing to walk. I make sure that I watch where I step. That's when i spot a small house thingy. I dunno what to do. Normally people take the lead from here and tell me what to do. But not this time! I'm in command now! gulp.

I walk over to the house, ninja style, and hide behind a wall. I can hear voices from inside the house thing.

"Been good. thanks" Said a low voice. I swear I've heard it before, but where? My instincts says that the low voice guy is bad news, and Natsu always says trust your instincts.

"Whats are you doing here! You coward!" Natsu's voice! Yep, this guy is definitely bad news.

"Calm down Natsu, I've changed, and i come here every time Dragon Season happens to help Laxus." The 'bad' person said.

"Come on Natsu, let's let him explain to us what's happening." Wendy's voice this time! Thank Mavis she's'ok. And who is him? Ahg, I hate being left out.

"Fine." Natsu agreed. Why? If he's the bad guy wouldn't you get him? I'm so done with grown ups! I heard thumping, they must be walking to another room. Damn, i have the best hiding-ninja-spy spot ever!

"Sit," Said the guy.

Thats it! A short Chap and the beginning to the climax!! YAYA! I've started to write another story - the first parts up already - and you should read it if you like Fairy Tail and easter eggs to other animes. Oh yeah! and time travel.

Dudududududun dooooooooweeeeeeeeeooooooo!

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