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FT Chapter 10

an awesome pic by CelestialRayna

Hiya guys!! Thanks for giving me ideas!! I'll try to use them all! I'm gonna leave that note up there bc if you have any ideas, I still really appreciate it. I know this chap is alittle small but yes, yes it is.

☆彡 Laxus' POV ☆彡

"I'm sitting, I'm sitting." Natsu said. I could tell he didn't like the idea of Jellal being here.

I also could tell that Romeo was outside. But the thing is - I don't think the others know.

But back to the blue haired male.

"Like I said, i come here every two years to ahh... Help Laxus adjust. You'll spend a week in this form- then you can go home. Easy peasy."

Did Jellal seriously just say 'easy peasy'? What is he, 5?

"Jellal, I'm going to light the fire-" Natsu barked like a dog or a chihuahua.
",you explain why it's important not to go into town." He nodded and made himself comfortable.

I waved as I walked out of the room.

I wasn't actually going outside to light the fire. Well I was, but I wanted to shoo away Romeo.

Before I left through the back door I heard a smash.

" eek! " I heard Wendy say. Ugh. She knocked down one of the antique vases with her wings. But then she turned around to see what she completely destroyed and knocked down another priceless vase.

Somebody stop this beast. Haha. I made me laugh.

"Wendy, if you stay still, you won't reck anything." Gajeel said. Wow, he should write a book on how to make a 14 year old girl cry.

"It's not my fault~~" she whined, tearing up. And that's my cue. I can't deal with crying girls. That is my weakness.

---- outside ----

"Romeo, come out. I know you're there." I Said firmly. The boy crawled from under a devil looking sculpture thing.

"Haha... Hey, Laxus. Fancy seeing you here." He scratched the back of his neck. What I'm impressed about though is that he isn't phased about my appearance

"You shouldn't be here. It could get dangerous." I actually didn't know how the others would react.

I remember one time, during the middle of my 2nd dragon season, I stumbled across Mira Jane. I could smell the alcohol on her. Now that I think of it, that was probably the only time she got drunk. Anyway, long story short, I kissed her. I guess I was alittle too ruff with her so Jellal had to intervene and told Mira to run. I became EXTREMELY aggressive after that- according to Jellal- and had to be restrained. I would've killed her...

"Laxus? Laxus?!" Romeo shouted into my ear. I was day-dreaming.

Why did Romeo have to shout? We are trying to be quiet.

" Sorry, I was thinking. Be quiet Romeo. The others don't know your out here- yet." I informed him.

"I'm not in danger though!," he shouted again. What is he def?
"Listen, Natsu and Wendy won't hurt me. I dunno about Gajeel, but neither would he! What we should be worrying about is that guy in there."

How can someone be smart and stupid at the same time? Oh wait, his role model is Natsu. Mhm

I told him that the 'guy' in there was Jellal, a good guy. And that we can be aggressive during this time.

He stood his ground. "You can't make me do anything." Romeo said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

Oh that's right, I'm dealing with a 14 year old. They can't be contained. Well I guess if I physically move him he won't have a choice in the matter.

I sigh. What a pain.

I'll take him to the guild - that way I'll be sure he won't get into any trouble.

I stretch out my leather wings and grab the boy.

"HEY!!" Romeo shouted.

In one quick movement I shoot into the sky, heading to the guild.

★彡 Natsu's POV ★彡

I think I heard a familiar shout. Meh, probably a cow or whatever lives in the forest.

I don't care right now, I'm too focused on what Jellal is telling me. It's a nice change - to be focused on a thing.

"Explain to me that again. I didn't get it." I asked.

"Ugh, ok Natsu, listen carefully. You cannot leave the around because of how powerful you and your instincts are. It would be fine normally to just go beyond the forest a bit, but because your lose 7 years you're stronger and you have to be more cautious." He told me slowly. This time I think I got it.

But one thing still bothered me. "Why did I see Laxus around town around this time? He looked fine."

Jellal rubbed his temple. "Because he has trained to control his instincts, I have alREADY TOLD YOU THIS!"

Well soooorry for being curious.

"Not even Laxus will be going beyond the forest, the power may be too much for him." Jellal said. "Anymore questions?"

We shook our heads. Our little group of possible lizards and a definite blue ugly little ... Anyway, we began to head outside to Laxus. But for some reason I could here groaning. But it wasn't me? I just eat some stuff. Are you still hungry little tummy? Do you want some food?

Behind me, Gajeel collapsed to his knees, gripping his stomach.
Mwahahahaha, I'm getting good at this cliff hanger stuff. Remember Ive also got another book that you should totally go check out!! Tune in for the next chap.

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