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          (Just like my favourite doctor)

Hiya Guys!! The next instalment of lé story. I know, I know, I haven't been updating. Pls don't hurt me. I have no reasons why either. I just sorta procrastinated to much. Haha! Anyway- my present to you.


Chapter 11

Grays POV .

Damn, that sucked. All that effort and they run away again!

The team, or should I say teams minus Romeo, was at the guild now. We were all sort of bugged out about not Being able to catch our friends, but there were still a couple of other teams out looking for them still.

But the Master seemed to be looking for something inside the guild.

I couldn't believe the master wanted everyone to look for them together. I mean, normally he just watches us mess things up, then cleans up our mess.

The master is basically why I didn't go home and sleep all day today. He asked me, before we went on our search, to join in.

And hey, you can't disagree with the man.

Mira was already at the bar, she was looking worriedly at the glass she was scrubbing clean. I'm not one to let a nice friend feel worried. So I walked over.

"It's ok Mira-Jane. They'll be ok."
I said. I sat down on the stool in front of her. All she did was nod. "You just need to hope what ever is happening, what ever this Dragon Season thing is, they'll get through it. And so will we!"

Mira looked up from her glass and smiled. "Yeah, your right thanks-"

"This is the key to stopping the Dragon Slayers !" I heard Master shout. He was holding some sort of glowing incandescent stone the size of his palm. "Or at least calm them."

We rushed over to him and Lucy. "What' d you mean Master?" I asked. "Are you telling us that there was a way to end this all that time?"

"Hold your horses, kid. I just remembered this was here. The three teams that were out looking for the Dragon Slayers before, you will all need to work together on this!" Master instructed.

"If you find a Dragon Slayer, say these words while holding the stone. The Silver Stone - is what's it's called. Say:
Oh drago, Mavis, and oh heavens
A favour we ask
For The unsteady to be steady
The overwhelmed to be whelmed
Help is what we request." He chanted. And the stone glowed white, like an extremely bright torch.

Wow, that's great, now we have a magical rock that can only work if we ask Some Dragon fella or First Master Mavis. I don't even know anymore.

For the next hour, more or less, we were working out where the Dragons were hiding out. Because of the info we got from a lot of the other teams, we narrowed it down to this one circle of forest. That's when I remembered my absolutely, incredibly terrifyingly horrible mistake that, I mean, anyone one person could have made.

I watched Romeo walk into the circle on forest we've just now determined the Dragon Slayers are in.

I let him go.

Do ever just regret your life choices?

"Ahhhh, guys. We have a problem." I said, preparing myself to be probably slapped by someone.

"Well yeah, that's what we've been talking about for the last couple of hours." Levy answered me like I was an idiot. Which now I believe I am.

Wait no, I'm not an idiot, Natsu is.

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