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Today at school went pretty fast, so I'm outside now, alone, in the centre of the city eating an ice cream. Not that I care though.

I don't really like thick crowds, because I tend they shut people out. I just really like my space which I'm having now and I'm enjoying it.

The sun is shining so bright like there's no tomorrow. It was a good idea of mine to go out and get some ice cream. It's just the perfect moment right now. Nobody along me, it's just me and nothing else. I love those moments.

I'm looking around me, seeing other people laughing and talking, walking around, eating... Just doing the things they enjoy. This makes me smile.

In the sky, birds are flying, whistling. They are so free and can do what they want. Nobody is there to judge them, nobody can judge them. I wish society was like the way these birds are. The world would be so much better then.

When I've eaten my ice cream, I stand up and I'm walking. I don't know to where. Just walking around and enjoying everything what happens around me. Clearing my mind, because I've been thinking a lot lately.

I'm just walking around with my head down, trying to hide, because it doesn't really feel good to me if there are people staring at me and talking about me. But I can't really hide with my big hair, sometimes that can be a bit annoying, even though I really like my hair. The effects that huge crowds can have on you.

But I'm smiling at the ground, because it makes me happy to walk around and clearing my mind.

I'm having my peace for a very long time, I'm really enjoying it. I wish I could have more relaxed days like this one. But sadly I have to study most of the time.

And then, someone shouts my name.

I look behind me, scared by that person. How would he or she have recognized me in this thick crowd? Impossible I thought.

"Ella!" I hear again, still not knowing who it is.

Then I see the blonde girl I know too well waving at me. I roll with my eyes and I keep walking ahead, hoping I'll get rid of her.

Tori really gets on my nerves and she just showed her annoying self. Can't she just leave me alone.

I look behind me again and the crowd has gone a bit thinner. I can see from far somewhere the oh so well known blonde girl with someone else at her side, her loved boyfriend Jake. They are literally together everywhere and everytime since they found each other yesterday evening again.

Hopefully I will get rid of them soon here, I don't want them to ruin my very good mood of today. I really don't.

When I was free from school this morning, I wasn't taking the bus just like I usually always do, I wanted to go on my own to wherever I want, so that's how I went to the city centre. Walking. It felt good, being independent and going by myself to where I want.

Now I just came on the idea to walk to home. I know the way, so I don't have to worry that I will get lost here. I've always been good with the way, I've never gotten lost somewhere, so I trust myself that I'll also get home savely this time.

I'm just walking where my feet will bring me, without thinking a lot about where I'm going, because that has always been my treasure. I will be coming to home sooner or later, so it doesn't really matter.

So I'm here, walking through the streets. Everytime I go into another, the surroundings are getting more and more familiar, till I'm at the street where my dorm house is, home. I found myself back home.

I push the front door and walk the launce in. There are sitting more students who are also settled in here with their friends. Laughing, talking, just having fun with each other.

I laugh in myself a little as I'm going to the stairs to go to my own place.


I open the door of my room slowly, and the smile on my face grows when I'm walking in and sit down on my bed after I closed the door.

I'm home.

And there is nobody to tell me what to do. Nobody to answer to. I'm just here by myself. Oh my god I love this relaxed silence what's here in the room.

I grab my pillow from my bed and pull it close to me. I'm nosing in it and smiling. I can finally be myself now there's nobody here and Tori won't be home for a long time. I can finally chill down and do my own things without an annoying roommate. Heaven.

Laying down on my bed and looking at the ceiling. Not thinking about something, just relaxing. Making my day better than it already was. I've been in such a great mood today and the day isn't even over. I wish it would be always relaxed like this. This peace. Being alone isn't always annoying or lonely. It gives me the perfect space I need. Being alone isn't bad at all.

This is so short, but I can't really make something longer from this chapter. It was a filler by the way, just because I want to wait as long as possible with throwing the letters in this story.

I wrote this also differently than what I did with the last chapters. I kinda liked this writing style.

Again, sorry for updating late and sorry for a short chapter as update. I promise the next one will have the usual length. xAnnelijn 💋💋

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