7. Am I in Love?

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Niall's POV

I opened my car and looked around. My hands slid over the stuff in the glovebox. Then I finally found what I was looking for,

my gun.

I froze as I felt something hard pointing in my back. "Slowly turn" a low voice said. I immediately knew who it was, Dan. I hesitantly turned with my gun behind my back. Dan pointed his gun now at my chest.

"Hands behind your head and on your knees" Dan commanded. I knew I couldn't refuse now, so I complied. "Now drop the gun and listen" Dan said still pointing his gun at my chest, ready to shoot.

As I dropped it, Dan kicked my gun under my car, so I couldn't grab it anymore. But he didn't know Amy hid behind the car, she could get the gun now.

"What do you want" I said trough gritted teeth. "Don't act stupid, you know exactly what I want" Dan came closer. I bit my under lip and closed my eyes.

"I wanna see you taking your last breath, mate" the look in Dan's eyes became more crazy, almost frightening. That look always made me think he wasn't good by mind. He's mental.

"Isn't it funny how I have your life in my hands now?" Dan walked circles around me "and it only takes one shot, one bullet to end it" he said pointing the gun at my head. "Do it then, you want to right" I spat. "Oh, with pleasure" Dan got ready to shoot, but then he looked doubtful.

I shivered as he let the cold hard gun glide along my neck and throat. "Where would you like to me shot, mt friend?" Dan bowed over me. "Head, and make it fast" I dipped my head down.

"As long as it hurts" Dan stood right up again "I want you to suffer" he evily grinned.

I squeezed closed my eyes, waiting for the shot, and just die fast. I thought of Amy, it was all my fault, she'd be on her own if I die here. I took my last breath, deeply inhaled, and exhaled again. I heard a loud bang, but I felt nothing, strangely.

I heard someone moaning and cussing in pain. When I opened my eyes, I saw Dan lying on the ground, he was shot in his knee. I stood up quickly and turned around to see Amy with my gun in her shaky hands. I ran over to her and gently took my gun from her hands.

"It's okay" I rubbed Amy's back as she burst out in tears. "Stay here, I'll finish it" I said walking over to Dan, who was still lying on the ground.

"please don't, I'll do everything you want. You'll regret it!" he pleaded. "You're lucky I'm nothing like you, you're just a weak little piece of shit." I spat as I kicked Dan in his stomach. I threw my gun away and walked back to Amy.

"Amy! Are you okay?" I shook her around. Amy opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Finally, she could say something. "W-what happened" she stuttered. "I'll explain everything. But promise, you don't leave me" I said as my eyes watered a bit. "I'll never leave you, Niall. But on one condition" Amy whispered. I nodded. "kiss me" while she said that, I felt rain dripping on my face. "Everything for my princess" I said as I put my leather jacket around her. I pressed my lips onto Amy's and we shared a passionate kiss, in the rain.

After a few minutes I pulled back. "Let's get in the car, it's raining quite hard now" I said as I guided Amy to my Range Rover.

"You wanna go home, or shall I take you to my flat?" I asked as we were on the road. "I think I can't face my parents after what happened. Let's go to yours, if that's okay with you" Amy weakly smiled. "Sure" I said and we drove to my flat.

Amy's POV

"Sorry for the mess, I haven't cleaned up yet" Niall excused as he opened the door. "doesn't matter" I mumbled as I walked in. Niall grabbed a beer from his fridge "Do you need anything to drink or eat?" he said turning around. "No, thanks" I shaked my head. "No problem" Niall said as he opened his beer bottle.

I thought this night couldn't get any worse than it already was. Niall got into a fight with two people, then he almost got killed and I shot someone.

What if Dan goes to the police or something? Niall and I will be in trouble, and then how am I gonna explain things at home anyway. I mean, I'm a terrible liar, if she asks if I had fun or somthing I'd probably say something stupid and get myskef into trouble.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked. Sometimes it was like he could read my mind. He always noticed if I struggled with something. "What if we get caught?" I weakly said. Niall knew what I was talking about. "Don't worry, I'll take the responsibility then. Everything'll be alright" Niall said as he gave me a tight hug. I smiled at his words.

"Let's get you outta that dress and we'll go to sleep, Am" Niall stood up. "Good idea." I also stood up and followed Niall to his bedroom. When I sat down on his bed and kicked my shoes off I realised what Niall said. He was gonna see me half naked.

"Here, wear these" Niall gave me a pair of track pants and a shirt of him. "Thanks" I smiled.

"You want some privacy?" Niall asked. He was so different around me than around school and his 'friends'. Niall could go from smoking bad boy, to a sensitive sweet boy, who only wants his girl.

"I think I need some help" I said as I couldn't get the zipper on my back open.

Niall lightly squeezed my bum while he gently unzipped my dress. I blushed at his action. "thanks" I shyly said as I turned around to face Niall. He looked up and down my body, smirking, as I stood there in my knickers and bra. I actually didn't really felt awwkard in this situation.

"Need any help further?" Niall asked breaking the silence we were in. "No, uhm, can I have some privacy now?" I blushed at my words. "Sure, call me when you're ready" Niall walked away.

I quickly took my bra off and put on Niall's shirt and his track pants. "I'm done, you can come in now" I said.

"I'm sorry I don't have any smaller shirts" Niall laughed as he looked at me. I smiled at his words. "Doesn't matter" I said.

My mouth almost fell open as Niall took off his shirt, revealing more tattoos and his abs. "Like what you see?" Niall teased me a little. I turned red at his comment. Niall laughed. That was one of the cutest things about him, his laugh. Niall made my heart flutter just by laughing.

Does this mean I'm in love?

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