The Answer I been Denying

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Why is it that you hate me?

Is it because I’m trying to be what 99 percent of the world underestimates that I will not achieve in 7 lifetimes.

Is it because we have the same goals, similar dreams?

Am I your biggest threat, enemy, adversary, antagonist, rival?

OH your feelings cut so deep,

Worse than a butcher chopping up fresh meat;

Always left with the stench of blood in the air.

I only wanted to be friends but you ignored me,

In the beginning, but somewhere down the line we must face the truth that we're akin.

Through the madness and genius I know we're both being held back by sin.

Because together we can change the world,

If we only can step to each other’s alter of presence and ask to be forgiven.

We must hurry,

No time to wait,

Before we’ re out of breathe,

Left to be foredoomed “for not loving thy neighbor as thyself”.

The Answer I been DenyingWhere stories live. Discover now