One ⋆ Part 2

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We have been liberated. But my job in this war had just begun. I worked tirelessly to find everyone severely wounded in order to heal them. By now it had appeared that I bathed in a pool of blood, both my own and other's.

The people from my house, and our allies, all cheered like this war was worth losing loved ones over. I couldn't hide the displeasure coursing through my body, making its way to cover my face.

As I finished healing the last person I could, I just laid myself down in the snow, both exhausted and angry. The coldness encapsulated my body, reminding me that I was still alive; and that others weren't. I gazed at the sky, wondering what will happen to us now.

We had won the war, but at what cost? More than half of my house needed to be buried into the ground because of this. Including our commander, my father.

You have the power to shape your own destiny, Aurelia. That's what he had told me with his last few breaths. I knew that was just a figure of speech though. My destiny has long been decided for me; to be the healer of Arvendon.

It wasn't a high ranking, I worked just as much as the servants of the house and just has hard as the serfs that tended the land. In all honesty, it was a glorified way of saying I was the most prized servant.

It did not matter that my father was commander of the house's warriors, coming from a high ranking himself. A healer is a healer no matter the nobility status of their parents. And, of course, the fact that healers can't shift into a wolf and lack strength thereof doesn't help. The only way for a healer's rank to raise is to have a mate of high nobility.

My gazing is disturbed by a tall figure blocking my view of the smoke infested sky.

"Are you alright?" Cree's voice was coarse.

"Define alright." I sit up while Cree offers me his hand as assistance off the ground. Once standing, I could see his features that were no longer shaded by the skylight behind him.

I read his handsome face, it was clear as fresh spring water. His stormy grey eyes held a threat of rain, wanting to cry with me, but his bloody lips twitched for a smile of victory.

"It has been years, but today it is finally over." Cree takes a deep breath in, his head falling back. He was soaking in the feeling of no longer having to fight for a cause other than survival.

"Some will never even know it is." I muster out, glancing down to my now red, rather than grey, dress.

Cree purses his lips together before they drop into a frown. He places his index finger just below my chin, raising my face to meet his. He uses his thumb to softly, and comfortingly, stroke my cherry lips, making them a clean slate from the tainted blood.

His blonde hair looked darker than usual with ashes coating his golden strands and his frame slouched slightly, worn out from the fighting.

Cree bends down, his face becoming nothing but a few inches from mine.

"Trust me, they know," He whispers with a faint smile.

Someone clears their throat next to us, causing Cree to drop his hand from me. We both back away from each other, our relations being a little too bold for not having exchanged hearts. We both glance over to the short, but brooding man we call our lord.

Lord Dion raises his brow at Cree and I. I often suspected Lord Dion knew of our fondness for one another, but he never mentioned it. I believe Lord Dion has a soft spot for me, always being easier on me than other high ranking wolves are. Perhaps it is why he did not mention Cree and I's relations.

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