Two ⋆ Part 3

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I had lost everything in just one day. Not even a full twenty-four hours. My family. My friends. My home. Everything. It was all just torn away from me. The only thing I had now was my anger. But this anger was unlike any anger I had ever felt within me before, and I didn't know what to do with it.

"This," I whisper as I stare at the floor.

All I could think about was how anger was better than tears. Better than grief. Better than guilt. Better than the guilt of breaking Cree's heart, of betraying my lord, of not being able to save my own father.

"This." I move my face up from the floor to King Thaddeus's back.

"Speak up, Miss Kingsley. You won't make it in this world if you mumble," the King lectured.

He doesn't bother to acknowledge me laying on the floor, succumbed to pain that has now led to complete and total numbness within me.

I gather myself together. Standing tall, I didn't know what to do with the anger.

"This is all your fault! You cannot bare being alone so you make others be alone with you!"

King Thaddeus turns to me. His face expressionless as ever.

"You didn't have to help me," he taunts.

"You gave me no choice! Thousands of innocents' blood would have been on my hands if I would have said no!" I was screaming my words so loudly that the glass and gold chandelier above me was rattling with fear.

"There are only two things that can control us, Miss Kingsley. Our fears and our love." King Thaddeus seemed to not have a care in the world as he shifts his body to walk out of the ballroom.

"You bastard! Using people to get what you want! Not caring what happens to them!"

Despite my screams, the King just kept walking away. He just kept putting one foot in front of the other.

I grab the closest thing near me, which just so happens to be a silver plate, and throw it at him. I will never forget the sound of the plate hitting the back of his head before clanking down to the floor.

The King pauses. The entire ballroom was silent, not even the King's Guards knew what to do as they stood at their posts with eyes wide. The only sound that could be herd was the constant deep breaths exhaling from me. I debated on throwing other things at him, perhaps a knife would've worked better.

And the way he slowly turned around would have made anyone run for their life, but I no longer valued my life. I had nothing else to lose.

The King's large body slowly comes towards me, his shoes lightly clicking becoming the only noticeable noise. Once he was close enough for our bodies to practically be touching, he stops. I glare up at him. However, he didn't even appear to be upset with me.

"Miss Kingsley, if it was so easy for Lord Dion to kick you out of his house, then I assume he only wanted you in it for your immense abilities. He didn't really care about you or your well-being." The King's rosy lips tug to the side slightly as he bends down to whisper to me. "You were nothing but another servant to him."

I glare into his eyes, a daring move if I say so myself. But if the King wanted me dead for my words and actions, I would have already been staining the shiny floor. He wouldn't kill me. He needed me.

"And you care about me and my well-being? I am more than just another servant in your castle?" I sneer.

King Thaddeus stays way too serious, his eyes looking over to his guards.

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