Two ⋆ Part 2

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    It was the first time I wasn't able to heal someone, other than my family. It was also the first time healing had caused me a reason to be healed.

King Thaddeus grabs my arm with his large hand and pulls it out so he could examine the burn. His other hand gently reaches out to touch my burn, his fingers lightly hover over the heat of my skin in a delicate way. His eyes shoot up to meet mine, his eyes glossed over with excitement.

"Other healers have tried to heal my heart. Each time it has cost them their life. But you, Miss Kingsley, you were able to touch my heart and survive! Your form of healing is the cure!"

I knew what he meant by my form of healing. Most healers are called light healers. They use their energy to focus on the injury or disease to provide stable health. But me, I am considered a dark healer. I heal by using my own blood and body to stabilize others.

Dark healers are often frowned upon for healing due to others thinking it is similar to blood sharing, although it is completely different. We sacrifice our own being without spilling someone else's, hell, we don't even kill to prove our point. It didn't matter though.

This has always me an outsider. I hated my healing abilities. Why couldn't I have been a light healer? Praised for my abilities and not shunned?

With hatred for my godforsaken abilities, I frown deeply at the King.

"It didn't work, your majesty. Just look at my hand." I apologize before turning to leave the room.

The King doesn't take no for an answer as he moves himself in front of me, blocking my pathway to the door.

"I don't think you understand, Miss Kingsley. My heart grows blacker and blacker each day, a piece of my soul darkening with it. Soon I will be nothing but an actual murderer. An uncontrollable monster." His crystalline eyes jumped back and forth between my green ones. He was searching for my answer, an answer he was hoping for.

"I am truly sorry, but you need to find another dark healer," I pleaded. I felt his pain and suffering. But I couldn't risk my own life to heal one person when so many others need me.

"You can touch my heart without dying." King Thaddeus's eyes roam around my face, unable to settle from his excitement. "Don't you see? You are the only one that can heal me!"

I swallow hard, feeling guilty for not being able to help him. I move around his body to leave the room. I can feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my head as I near the door. Just as my hand touches the metal handle however, he says something that sends chills down my spine.

"It would be a shame if Cree were to be killed," he threatens.

I turn around to face him. My body was in complete shock, unable to move with fear.

"Cree?" I repeat, trying to see if I heard him wrong.

"The man you love. Your potential mate," he restated calmly.

"Cree is not a potential mate for me," I lie through my teeth, trying to get him off the trail of harming someone I care deeply about.

"I have seen the way you look at him. So, Miss Kingsley." The King starts walking towards me, each of his strides long and powerful. "If you don't stay and help me, neither of us will ever have our mate."

"Killing Cree would cause an uprising with Lord Dion. He is the only heir to Arvendon. You wouldn't dare start another war, this time within your own kingdom." I argue, shuffling on my feet slightly, but not enough for the King to notice my uneasiness.

"I am the King of Lodestar. Your house and the others within my domain are only alive because I allow it," King Thaddeus pointed out with clear amusement on his face. He was testing and daring what I would say next.

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