Nine ⋆ Part 2

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    Thaddeus once said that only two things can control us, our fear and our love. I think he is wrong. Anger seemed to be able to control us the strongest of them all. These rioters, they were angry. Those who would never harm a fly, now being forced to kill in order to be heard.

Celeste's lady in waiting prays desperately to her gods for savior, rocking back and forth with the princess clinging tightly to her arm. Only one guard remained inside with us, trying his damn best to keep us three safe.

With the scene around us, the way the rich were being murdered, Celeste's murder would be the most horrid of them all.  If the common people learn she is the princess, her fate would be worse than those whose scattered guts and intestines lie around covering the stone pavement. She would be beheaded and strung up for all to see that the throne isn't so untouchable after all. Celeste may be young, but she knew this as her little face was soaked in tears. She shares a glance with me. The princess didn't know what to do, and I didn't either.

Her guards tried to hold the rioters off around the carriage, but it wasn't going to last. We are outnumbered greatly. I have to step up, I have to protect her. No one is here to save us. I wanted to blame Thaddeus for not being here to protect us, but he doesn't even know yet. Everything happened so quickly, how could he possibly get here in time to help?

I look to the guard inside the carriage with us. It was only then I noticed he can't be any older than 16, and risking his life for a throne that will never repay him the same. I look out the carriage window, noticing a roof top that we could reach if we could just manage to get atop the carriage without being torn down. I quickly slide over to it, measuring the width. We could fit.

"Can you get us atop the carriage?" I yell to him, hoping he can hear me in the chaos.

He turns his attention to me. His face has blood splattered and dripping off as if it was his own sweat. Without a single word, the scared boy nodded. He calls another guard over. The second guard nods to him and starts blocking the door, kicking intruders in the face as they reach the door, whoever managed to get close enough past the other guards that is.

The boy inside with us pushes past me to look out the window. He peeks his head out before bringing it back in, knowing his shoulders are too broad to fit himself.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"It's our only chance," I urge.

He doesn't doubt me as he grabs ahold of Celeste to shove her through first. I grab his muscled arm, "No. Me first."

The lady in waiting snaps out of her prayers, finally realizing what we are doing.

"Why should you go first? Saving yourself and leaving us to die?" She proclaims.

I shake my head, "We don't even know if it's safe yet, we could get-"

"I'll take my chances!" The lady in waiting shoves her way, pushing the guard aside. Once she got a glimpse of the outside, however, she sat back down.

"You first," She agrees.

I bring myself to the window, pulling my top half out. As I climb through, I sit my ass on the rim to get better baring before reaching for anything I could get a steady grip on. I find a piece of the golden decor on the siding, managing to slip my skinny fingers around it. I stand, placing my feet on the windowsill, but still not able to see the top.

The guard inside interlocks his fingers, allowing me to step onto his hands with my foot. I do so, and he boosts me up enough where I can manage to get my elbows placed firmly down.

Once I am atop, I lay on my stomach and reach my arms down.

"Okay!" I yell down to the guard.

I hear Celeste scream and thrash around in protest as he grabs her and shoves her body out the window. She tries to cling around his neck as he lifts her out by the waist. I reach as far as I can without sliding off, grabbing below her armpits. I start pulling her up, and she finally releases her guard. She cradles herself close to me, sitting down beside me. The guard then tries to assist the lady in waiting. She stands on the sill, just as I did. I grab her hands, trying to pull her up, but she is heavier than the child princess.

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