Three ⋆ Part 1

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The bright light was visible through my eyelids, causing me to wake up from my feathery light slumber. I sit myself up, leaning my elbows against the dark satin sheets.

I pull my hand up that was burned from touching King Thaddeus's heart, using the bit of sunlight to examine it. To my surprise, the burn had healed, but replaced itself with a white scar. I curl my fingers to my palm.

Dark healers never scar.

The bedroom door suddenly jolts open. The thunderous slamming of it causes me to jump so hard that I throw myself off the bed. I rolled onto the floor with the plush blanket and silky sheet, somehow managing to get intertwined with them. As I struggle to get out of the situation, I hear King Thaddeus's voice.

"You look well rested," he mocks me.

I glance up to see him standing by me with his arms crossed, his face washed over with disapproval.

Before I have the chance to speak, he grabs ahold of the blanket, pulling fast and hard. I roll all the way out, landing with my face inches from being pressed against the cold floor. I had forgotten I slept naked, rather than in my dress, until I could feel the coldness from the stone shocking into my bare skinned stomach.

Embarrassed, I press my palms against the floor to stand up, but King Thaddeus doesn't give me the chance. He places his rough hands on my waist and pulls me up, causing me to get dizzy from the sudden change in elevation.

Once my vision cleared from the overwhelming twinkling black specks, I noticed King Thaddeus's eyes were lingering on my body, a little too long for my liking to be exact.

I quickly snatch the blanket he thrown onto the bed and use it to cover my petite and exposed body. He shakes his head at me in disbelief before walking towards the door.

"Come," he demands, his voice stern.

"I'm naked!" I shriek.

He inhales deeply, his chest expanding under the black cotton shirt he has on. He runs a hand through his silky hair, "I was just— you know what, forget it. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To the underworld, eventually," The King sarcastically replies.

I watch as he storms out of the room. After a minute (or two) he finally emerges with a grey long sleeved shirt in his hands. He tosses it to me. It lands on the bed right at my side.

"I'll ask my tailor to make you dresses later. For now that will have to do."

"What about pants?" I motion to my legs that would be overly exposed.

"I'm sure you'll find the shirt to be well covering," he reassured me.

I bite at my cheek, trying to put up with him. He turns around so I can dress, and I found he was right. The shirt stopped just below my knee caps, which was good for now. Although, the sleeves were very unflattering. I start rolling them up, trying to get them to stay in place, but fail as they slide down every time I drop my arm.

King Thaddeus faces me without me giving him the cue to.

"I could have still been naked!" I yell.

"I just saw you naked, so it's nothing I haven't already seen at this point. Now, follow me." He turns gracefully, exiting the room. I do as told, entering into the long and shadow infested hallway.

"Where are we going?" I examined the pictures on the walls, each with a name plate under them. All were Kings, the greatest ones to ever rule Lodestar, except minus King Thaddeus and his godforsaken father.

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